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As soon as I got home I ran to my bedroom. My dad should be home in about 2 hours, so I have got to do some serious planning.

Let's start with what to pack. Clothes.

At the fan meet. What should I wear?? Cute or sexy? Casual or smart? I take a look in my wardrobe. I have a pretty even mix of everything. We're going for six days, so I don't really need to pack that much... Right?

In a panic I grab my phone and call Yuna. After 2 rings it goes to voicemail which shows she pressed the big red button. I call again, but she hangs up. I send a frantic message:

Can u call????

but i dont wanna

It's an emergency!!!

then text it, dont call me

Why text when you can call???

why call when you can text???

Well can you help or not??

whats the issue


pack 1 skirt, 2 jeans, 1 jogger, 1 leggings, 1 bra, 7 pants, 2 vest tops, 2 short-sleeves, 1 long-sleeve, 2 hoodies, 1 cardigan, 1 dress, 1 pair of sliders, 1 pair of trainers.

I won't have anything left to wear this week and next!!

then pack it in 2 weeks, dummy


This time when I call Yuna she picks up. "He said we can go!!" I scream excitedly.

"Oh my God, my ears." She exaggerates. "Could you, like, not."

"Did your mum say anything??"

I heard a huff on the other end of the phone. "Yes."

"What's the sigh for?" I ask.

"She's planned a surprise holiday for just the two of us to celebrate exams over."

A lot of things went through my mind right then. How easily dad said yes as if he was relieved or something, because that meant we didn't have to do anything together. Yuna wouldn't be coming with me.


(1 week later on Thursday)

"Oh my God I can't believe this is our last day of sixth form!! In just a few weeks time we'll be in University!!" Jeongyeon squeals next to me. We get our Geography exam results back - I'm surprised to see I got an A even though I didn't revise.

"Oh you got an A? Aw, I'm sorry." Jeongyeon says, sounding the least sorry I've ever heard her. "At least someone in this class got an A**. Oh wait - that's me!!"

The other 2 classes I did was Photography and Art. Dad only let me do them if I could do one that 'required an actual brain' so I chose Geography because otherwise he would have made me do Maths or English or even one of the Sciences. I got the highest mark out of my class for Art and one of the top in Photography. And I was happy with that.

"So what University are you going to, Chaeryeong?" Jeongyeon asks as if she doesn't know I'm not going to any.

"I'm not going to University. I'm going to get a job." I say, trying to keep my cool.

Jeongyeon smiles sympathetically. "Oh I understand - not everyone has the intelligence or money for Uni." She struts off and I roll my eyes. Dad's rich and I'm not particularly dumb - well, let's not mention the time I thought a kilometer was 1000 miles, I was 14 - it's just I want to get myself some money of my own and save up to buy photography equipment so I can do my dream job.

Makes me wonder if meeting my idol is worth it for having to cope with that irritating bitch.

I am already packed to leave on Monday and am taking probably way too much. I get panicky and scared I'll forget something so I just take everything. Luckily dad's paying for the trip so I can take all the luggage I want.

At lunch me and Yuna walk home together because we're allowed to leave early. We get outside my door.

"You swear you'll text every single day and send pictures?" Yuna asks, and I swear I see a tear in her eye.

"Of course! It'll be just like you're there with me." I smile.

"You'll bring me back food?" The year spills down her cheek. Right, food. That's what she's getting emotional about, not me. "And maybe something from the fan meet. Not gonna lie Yeji's hot."

I sigh. "I'll do my very best." We hug and I walk through the door.

Hey you guys I want to apologise for not updating sooner I have not got a lot of free time atm but I'm trying to squeeze in as much time as possible to write this because I really love writing it and hope you guys love reading it too!! I know this chapter isn't all that interesting but it had to be put there - the next one is much better :) hope yall are good, see you in the next chap!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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