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"I swear that bitch had it planned the whole time." Yuna says when I tell her what Jeongyeon came up with. "She just wants you to meet your idol just so you can't talk and all you can do is watch Jeongyeon talk to her."

"Well..." I begin, smile creeping on my face, "who says I'm not gonna speak?"

"I like the way you think." She smiles.

The next day, I spot Jeongyeon outside the gate on her own after school.

"You okay?" I ask when she looks up.

"Yup." She says and walks away quickly. Rude much, I say to myself just as Yuna comes through the gates.

"Hey honey, what's up?" She asks.

"How am I gonna pay to go to the fan meet? What can I tell my dad? What if school won't let me have time off?" I burst out.

Yuna makes a face and ponders as we begin walking across the school grounds. "Um well your dad's rich just tell him it's a school trip for geography or something then book a flight." She shrugs.

"Can you come with me?" I plead. "Please? Your mum is sooo kind, it could be a fun family-friend thing!"

She sighs heavily. "When is it?"

"2 weeks exactly."

A deeper sigh. "Isn't it half term then?"

My eyes widen in alarm as realization hits me. "Oh my gosh it is! I can just ask dad for some money to go away!! He'll love it - me going away so he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants!"

"Great, you do that." Yuna smiles.

"You're coming with me." I say, finality in my tone.

"Am not."





"You do know this isn't going to end until you agree, right?" I say.

"You know this isn't going to end until you realise I have rights and don't have to do what you say." She says back, with full-on sass might I add.

"Oh come ON, it'll be so much fun!! We can go shopping together, eat delicious food..." Yuna looks up then. "That's it, isn't it?" I smile then inwardly roll my eyes for not remembering Yuna's love for food. "If you come, the whole week I'll buy you all the food you want." My smile widens as I see her struggling to resist. "I mean, it's fine if you don't come, it just means more food for me..."

"Fine I'll go!" She says glaring at me while I laugh. "But you better stay true to your promise."

"I will." I stop laughing to speak then start giggling again. "Pinkie swear." I hold out my pinkie.

"God you are such an embarrassment." She swipes my hand away. "We aren't little kids anymore. Let's go we're gonna be late." I roll my eyes. She's younger then I am.


We spend break and lunch making the perfect plan.

"Right, we leave on Monday, and go back Saturday. The fan meet is on Wednesday so we can have Monday afternoon and the whole day on Tuesday to do stuff together, then Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning." I jot down everything in my notebook. "On Wednesday do you want to come with me and Jeongyeon, or do something else?"

Yuna slurps her milkshake. "Might do a bit of sightseeing, look around the place, eat some food..." She smiles dreamily.

hey hey hey guys I am sososososososososooo sorry for not updating like I've been so busy honestly life has been hectic but I hope you enjoyed and I will try to update more regularly!! 💕💕

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