My Crazy Family

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Dick dived out of the way, dodging a shot from Dr Light, while Hank got singed by it, just barely avoiding getting his arm blown off. That was when a truck moulded into a hand holding a dagger, the hand throwing it and barely missing Dr Light. From behind him, the Prime triplets had appeared, suited up and ready to fight. Xaiva, as a result of the blast, had come out with her hair black balayage to platinum blonde. 

"Not today, Light." Nova snarled, tapping the screen on her arm and moving her hands over and behind her shoulders, pulling out two swords and moving one over her head, the other point facing behind her, ready to fight. 

"Really? Tell that to your sister." Ryker was dragged out by him, and he held a gun to her head. 

"Let her go, Light." Dick tried to bargain, but Light didn't relent. That was when the water rose from the ground, washing over Dr Light and short-circuiting his suit. Donna ran over and pulled Ryker away from Light while Lars took the plentiful shadows from the surroundings and bound the villain, panting. Ryker looked at Lars, a look in her eye that Nova recognised instantly. 

"He's your older brother, Ryker, I suggest you leave him alone." Nova snapped, shooting a warning look at her younger sister. 

"Wait, we have a sister?!" Xaiva and Lars shrieked in unison. 

"We'll talk about this later, please, let's just get back to Titan's Tower."

"When were you planning on telling us?" They were back in Titan's Tower, and Dawn had appeared beside Nova. 

"The latest I could. Don't want you finding out I have a whackjob sister, do you? She's that NYC villain, wazzername? Ah, got it, it's Elektris." Dawn gasped, covering her mouth. 

"You've brought that big of a supervillain in this building? She's a psycho, Nova!" 

"And I believe that after she nearly got her brains blown out by another, she might straighten up her ways. And plus, you're not in a high-tech, Bruce Wayne trademarked building with about eight to ten superheroes in here, eh?" 

"Most of which don't have powers!" 

"I'm willing to take my chances." Sighing, Dawn left dejectedly, looking back at Nova when she saw Dick entering the room. 

"Dawn seems a little sad." He broached tentatively, knowing that when Nova was angry, you had to tread carefully unless you wanted a knuckle sandwich. 

"We were just talking about my crazy family and how it's full of wackos." Nova smiled emotionlessly, while Dick sat down in front of her on the counter, pouring himself and her a glass of scotch. 

"What's wacko about your family?" 

She laughed incredulously, sipping her scotch. "What's wacko about my family? Well: for starters, there's a Kryptonian demon for a dad and a hysterical human for a mother and another mother with a previously clandestine secret that she isn't my mother. Then we move on to my mentor, an overpowered Kryptonian being that is the son of its ruler and practically the only one who knows what the Krypt truly does. Now, here's the more confusing part. My triplet brother started a major crime syndicate when he was eight and built it up until he was fifteen and we ultimately burnt it down to ashes. My triplet sister is an ex-army general that served in Afghanistan for three years and got blasted in the heart by Trigon, nearly died and became the legendary hero Darkfrost, and how could we forget me, the 27 year old master assassin who went off the grid for 11 years, used her 27 year old best friend from when they were 15 and found out she has this sentient force that can destroy the world inside her and has killed 15891 people in that 12 years bracket. Totally normal, right? And now I have a sister who was the biggest villain in NYC and nearly got her brains blown out by Arthur Light, of all people, and you ask me what is wacko about my family?" The only thing they could both do was dissipate the tension with silence, just staring at each other, the buzz in the air the only thing they could hear. 

"Yeah, I guess you could call that wacko." Dick caved, rubbing his forehead. 


"You'll wake the kids up!" 

"I'm pretty sure Jason kept them all awake just to discuss possible theories about the future relationships in Brooklyn 99 or how Doug Judy and Jake Peralta are the best friend group ever, but sure, I'll keep quiet. Idiota." 

"You do know that you taught me Spanish?" 

"Dang it!" 

"You seem really stressed. I wanted to ask you whether you'd take a look at Conner, but you can have a look another day-" 

"Nope! I'll scan him now. God knows I need a distraction." Finishing her Scotch, Nova went over to the room where Conner was held, rubbing her palms together. Getting lab goggles and shrugging a lab coat over her shoulders, Nova's eyes glowed silver, holding her hands over Conner's chest, before moving it to his head and then millimetres away from his biceps. Dick shifted uncomfortably, clearing his throat inconspicuously. 

"No way." Her eyes stopped glowing, going to a computer and typing an algorithm in. 

"Cadmus was the one that created him, the biodiverse tech is so complicated, so it has to be them. And the DNA..." Finishing the algorithm, she pressed enter, "Was derived from Superman..." One string of DNA was shown, "Lex Luthor..." The second, "And... me." A third appeared on the screen. "And I thought my family couldn't get any more complicated. Seems like Clark's DNA made him too unstable, Lex's made it too stable so they needed someone in between. I'm the only known half-Kryptonian on Earth. I kept Lars and Xaiva's heritage a secret. This is twisted." 

"I agree."

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