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In a small castle in the forest, a group was strategizing around a large map on a table. The group was made up of Maurice, Belle, Gaston and several knights. A knight entered the war room to deliver news.

"Sir, there's news from the battlefield," the knight informed. "Avonlea has fallen."

"My gods," Maurice stated.

"If only he had come," Gaston said.

"Well, he didn't, did he? Ogres are not men."

"We have to do something. We have to stop them."

"They are unstoppable."

"He could be on his way right now, Papa," Belle warned.

"It's too late, my girl. It's just too late." There was a loud banging at the door.

"It's him. It has to be him."

"How could he get past the walls? Open it." Two knights removed the board blocking the door, and opened it. They looked out, but saw no one there.

"Well, that was a bit of a letdown," Rumplestiltskin said, appearing behind them, sitting in a chair. "You sent me a message. Something about, um, 'Help, help! We're dying! Can you save us?' Now, the answer is – yes, I can. Yes, I can protect your little town. For a price."

"We sent you a promise of gold," Maurice told him.

"Ah... No. You see, um... I, uh, make gold. What I want is something a bit more special. My price... is her." Rumplestiltskin pointed to Belle.


"The young lady is engaged to me," Gaston said.

"I wasn't asking if she was engaged. I'm not looking for 'love' – I'm looking for a caretaker for my rather large estate. It's her, or no deal."

"Get out. Leave!" Maurice ordered.

"As you wish." Rumplestiltskin headed for the door, but stopped when Belle yelled out to him.

"No, wait," Belle called, approaching Rumplestiltskin. "I will go with him."

"I forbid it!" Gaston protested.

"No..." Maurice trailed.

"No one decides my fate but me. I shall go," Belle told them.

"It's forever, dearie," Rumplestiltskin said.

"My family, my friends – they will all live?"

"You have my word."

"Then, you have mine. I will go with you forever."


"Belle. Belle, you cannot do this. Belle, please. You can't go with this... beast," Maurice told her. Rumpelstiltskin feigned offense.

"Father. Gaston. It's been decided."

"You know – she's right," Rumplestiltskin said. "The deal is struck. Oh! Congratulations on your little war."


Mr. French was unloading flowers from his delivery van. Mr. Gold and another man were watching him from the sidewalk.

"Well, this is just perfect," Mr. Gold said. "I've been looking for you, Mr. French."

"I'll have your money next week," Mr. French assured.

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