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Mr. Gold held an injured and confused Belle. Hook was unconscious on the side of the road and the "outsider" was still in the crashed car. Sirens sounded in the distance.

"Who are you?" Belle asked. "What's going on?"

"Shh... Let me... Let me... Let me." Mr. Gold magically healed Belle's injuries. "All better. Good."

"How did you do that?"

"It's nothing to be afraid of."

"Get away."

"Shh. Belle, please."

"What are you?!"

Emma, David and Mary Margaret arrived on the scene via the squad car. David got out and ran towards Belle and Mr. Gold. Emma called for more assistance on her radio.

"Are you okay?" David asked.

"I'm at the town line," Emma said. "Two people down, maybe three. There's a car -pretty banged up with Pennsylvania plates."

"What's going on?"

"She crossed over the line," Mr. Gold replied. "She doesn't remember."

Emma found an alert Hook at the side of the road who said, "Hey, beautiful. Here, I didn't think you'd notice." He glanced at Indiana. "Don't worry, lass. I don't plan on dying on you anytime soon."

Indiana nodded. "Good. Because you and I need to discuss your behavior, Captain."

Emma leaned down and pushed on his ribs, causing him to yell out in pain as she determined, "Your ribs are broken."

"Oh, that must be why it hurts when I laugh," Hook said. "Did you see his face? His one true love, gone in an instant. Just like Milah, crocodile! When you took her from me..."

"But you took her first," Mr. Gold reminded him, lunging at Hook and digging his cane into his neck.

Indiana tried to pulled Mr. Gold away and was pushed to the ground, causing her to grunt. "He's already wounded!"

"Gold, are you insane?!" Emma yelled.

"Yes, I am!" Mr. Gold replied.

"You can't do that!" David told him.

"I can if you let me go."

"You don't want her to see that," Emma stated.

"I'm a stranger to her."

"Murder is a bad first impression."

"What would Belle want you to do?" David asked as an ambulance arrived, distracting Mr. Gold long enough for David to pull him off of Hook. "Over here!"

The paramedics headed toward Hook first, but Emma directed their attention to the driver of the car instead.

"No!" Emma yelled. "Him! Take care of him. He can wait."

Mary Margaret, who was still tending to Belle, overheard Emma. "What?"

"There's someone in there."

"Stay. I'll be right back."

Emma, Indiana and Mary Margaret watched as the paramedics looked over the unconscious driver of the car.

"Do you know this guy?" Emma asked.

"I've never seen him before," Mary Margaret replied.

"That's because he drove into town," David said.

"From the outside?"

"Looks like the world just came to Storybrooke," Emma told them.

Indiana frowned. "What does this mean?"

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