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Greg and Tamara were present, along with Hook and Indiana in two sacks.

"Actually, I prefer it with the lights on," Hook said as Greg and Tamara removed the bag. "Indiana and I've spent enough time below deck to not be afraid of the dark, so if this is your idea of torture, well you're just gonna have to try a little harder."

"Torture you? No, we just want to offer you a job," Greg replied.

"Oh. And then you're gonna let us go?"  Indiana asked with narrowed eyes.

Hook laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry, I already did that last job. I killed Rumpelstiltskin. I'm sated. Replete. My life's purpose met."

"I wish I could have been there, to see you stab the Dark One," Tamara said.

"Well, look who's up to speed."

"I'm a quick learner."

"Then you know my work is done!"

"Yeah, I don't think so. Take a look," Greg answered as he and Tamara pushed the chairs Hook and Indiana were tied to over to the window, and handed the former a telescope. Through it, Hook could clearly see Rumpelstiltskin walking with Lacey.

"No. No!"

"He's alive, Hook," Tamara told him.

"He beat you. Now this guy has some powerful magic here, mate. He's untouchable. You'll never get another chance to take him down," Greg said.

"Oh, I will. I will indeed," Hook agreed.

"Not unless we help you," Tamara replied.

"How can you help me?"

"We know how to kill magical creatures."

"And the price?" Indiana questioned.

"I need you two to help me find someone," Greg explained. "My father. He was taken in this town a long time ago."

"Why the bloody hell do you think Hook and I'll be able to help you find your father?"

"Because you both know the woman who took him -- Regina. Do we have a deal?"


Queen Regina and two of her knights, Berkley and Rivers entered a barn.

"It's empty, Your Majesty," Berkley said.

"Thank you, Berkley," the Evi Queen replied. "I can see that. Snow White was hiding here, and now she's gone. Someone must have tipped her off and she ran. Fan out and bring me the villagers!"

The Queen was standing in front of the people of the village as she said, "Snow White has betrayed you. She poisoned her own father—my dear husband, your benevolent King—so she can try to ascend the throne herself. She even now stalks the outer villages! Bandit, murderer, and traitor. Information leading to Snow's capture will be richly rewarded." She was met with silence. "No one? Not one of you wants gold? No? You're telling me she lived here, and not one of you saw her?" She turned to Berkley.

"What shall we do now, Your Majesty?" Berkley questioned.

"Kill them all. No mercy. Find me Snow White."


David and Mary Margaret were talking while, unbeknownst to them, a fisherman listened in.

"If, we're going back to the Enchanted Forest, are we really going to leave Regina behind?" Mary Margaret asked.

"She's too dangerous to bring with us. We have to leave her," David replied.

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