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Prince Charming was attempting to break the lock on his cell with a rock. Unsuccessful, he slid to the floor and said, "I will find you, Snow. I will always find you."

Two guards arrived and one said, "It'll be hard to do that without your head. Get up. The Queen is looking forward to your execution." The two guards shackled him, hauling him out of his cell and into the hallway. As they were walking, Prince Charming slumped to the ground. "Get up! On your feet.

Prince Charming got up and attacked the guards. After incapacitating them, he fled down the hallway. Farther down, he encountered another guard who was armed with a bow and arrow. Another guard arrived.

"Shoot him," a guard ordered.

The archer-guard took aim but, instead of shooting Prince Charming, shot the other guard instead.

"Who the hell are you?" Prince Charming asked.

The guard removed his helmet, revealing that he was the Huntsman. "A friend. I don't know you. But I know Snow White."

"Is she okay?"

The Huntsman unlocked Prince Charming's shackles. "The Queen was traveling to meet her. Her fate is in a precarious place. You must hurry. Follow me. I can get you out. I'll try and stall the Queen. The rest is up to you." The Huntsman hands him a bag and a sword. "Your weapon and some provisions. Good luck."

"You're not coming with me?"

"I cannot. I gave up my heart so that the Queen would spare Snow's. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Find her."


Henry was wheeled in on a gurney as Emma followed. Indiana, worried about her friend, followed close behind. Dr. Whale and several nurses attended to the boy.

"Henry, can you hear me? Come on, Henry. Wake up, please. Come on, Henry. Come on. You can do it," Emma begged.

"Ma'am, let me take you to-" a nurse began.

"No, I am not going anywhere!"

Indiana shook her head. "It's better to let her stay I think."

Dr. Whale studied the boy. "There's no pupil response. What happened? Did he fall? Hit his head?"

"He ate this. I think it's poisoned," Emma said as she held up a baggie containing the turnover.

"His airway is clear. Did he vomit? Any convulsion or disorientation?"

"He took a bite of this, and then he just collapsed. So, run the tests for arsenic or bleach or Drano, or whatever could've done this to him!"

"The boy is showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins. So, whatever's going on, this is not the culprit."

Indiana narrowed her eyes. "Well, what else could it be?" Her eyes slowly widened.

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out."

"He's going to be okay, though, right?" Emma asked.

"Right now, we just need to stabilize him, 'cause he's slipping away. Is there anything else that you can remember? Any little detail?"

"I already told you everything. Do something!"

"Look, I understand you're frustrated, Miss Swan, I do. But I need something to treat. And, right now, there is no explanation. It's like..."

Emma dumped the contents of Henry's backpack onto a table and saw her son's book. "Like magic."

She picked up the book and her mind was filled with memories from the Fairy Tale World, especially the time she was sent to the Real World as a baby. When she came to, Regina frantically rushed into the room.

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