Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I drove home. It has been a very eventful day. He has sent me tons of photos to edit, and even told me to go buy outfits for the shoot tonight. I decided not to, if he wanted to shoot me, he would have the clothing.

I pull into the parking garage. I grab my keys and get out of my car, heading up into the apartments. I unlocked my apartment door. I smile as shadow runs at me with a huge smile on his face. I bend down, my bag and papers flying everywhere as I pick him up.

"Hi baby." I say setting him down. "You have to go potty?" He wags his tail, I grab my phone and put his leash on. I take him out to the back, and take the leash off of him, he runs around finding a spot to go to the bathroom.

As I am watching him, my phone starts ringing and Jack's contact pops up. I take a minute to look at it before deciding whether or not I want to answer.

"Hello." I say answering it, still watching the dog.

"Hey. So the shoot will be at my place, I'll send you the address. I already picked up the clothes for the shoot, so hopefully you didn't buy any." I listen to him watching shadow go to the bathroom. "In about an hour, head over and we can get started right away."

"Um yeah, that sounds great. I'll be over in about a half hour or so." I say putting shadow back on the leash and go inside.

"Bring some overnight clothes. You might be staying, depending on how long it takes, and how long you model for. I need to get the perfect pictures of you." He says. "Plus, there will be tons of outfit changes."

"Alright. What exactly should I do, makeup wise?" I say getting back into my apartment, setting shadow down.

"Do some sexy smokey eye type makeup. I would usually have someone do it, but since this is a late night shoot, and very last minute. I'll just have you do it yourself. Hair should be whatever you like, if you like it up, or down. We'll just see what goes best with the outfits as well." He said as I am getting ready to shower.

"Alright, I'll shower then head right over. Should I bring shadow, I mean if I do end up staying I won't have anyone to watch him." I say putting towels down and picking out clothes.

"Yeah you can bring him, we could do some nice puppy shots.The two of you together perferably." He says moving around. I get my clothes and head to my bathroom.

"Alright that sounds good, I'll be over in a few with him." I say turning the water on.

"See ya soon." He says ending the call.

I get in the shower, washing my hair and body. Letting the water hit my head as I think about the shoot. What kind of clothes will these be? What kind of posing? Where would I be sleeping? I get out and dry off, I dry my hair and brush it. Letting it fall straight on my shoulders.

I go to my vanity and sit down. Grabbing my makeup, I start doing a smokey eye. Starting with dark colors in the crease, and then packing the lighter color on my lid. I set my face and then put tons of highlight on my cheekbones. I skip putting the highlight on my forehead, it looks shiny enough. I look down at my phone, checking the time, then I start packing.

Shadow jumps on my bed and watches me. I pull out my phone to text Jack that I'm on my way, and he sends me his address. I grab my keys and shadow's food. I put his leash on him before heading to the car. I pat the seat indicating shadow to jump in. He jumps in wagging his tag. I throw my bag in, along with shadow's things.

I get in the driver's seat, putting on my seatbelt. I adjust my mirrors, turn on some music and start driving to the location. As I am pulling in, the place looks amazing. There are trees everywhere, a huge gate, and a fence that seems to be 7 feet tall. It seems like someone likes their privacy. Knowing Jack for not even a day he seems to be the guy to keep everything like that. He wants nobody to know his business, where he lives, or to even see over his fence for that matter.

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