1. (Louis)

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This was it. The day he had been waiting for. Soccer camp had finally arrived. Louis kissed his mother's cheek sweetly as he said goodbye. "I'll see you in two weeks mum, don't worry." Louis laughed heartily as his mother's eyes watered slightly. "Mum." he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm going three hours away, not to the moon, you can call me whenever you're feeling it okay?" he said sweetly, reaching his hand out to his mother's. "Okay." she sniffed. "Just, make some friends okay, don't take it too seriously." she added. Louis laughed at this. "Do you even know me at all?" he wondered out loud. "Oi Tommo, hurry up would you!" his mates called from behind him. "Okay, I gotta go now, see you in two weeks." he said once more, before running over to his team mates on the bus.

"Ready to go lads?" he yelled once he stepped on. They all repeated with a cheer, making Louis smile even more.

"Okay, Chloe's hot, but Izzy has bigger tits..." Louis overheard some of the boys behind him say. He rolled his eyes at them. "You gotta head your head in the game boys." he grinned. "Oh shove off Lou, we have plenty of space in our heads for the game and the girls." one of the boys, Matt replied. "Do you reckon there'll be any girls there Tommo" he added as a second thought. "Yes Matt, there will definitely be girls at an all boys soccer camp." he replied sarcastically. "Shove that sass up your ass Lou." the other boy replied with a snicker. "Only if you do it for me." he winked with a grin, before turning back around in his seat. 

Louis stayed silent for the rest of the trip there. Which was very unusual for Louis, seeing that normally, it was very hard for people to get him to ever shut up. One of the boys even came up to him and asked if he was okay. He was, he just was preparing himself for a tough two weeks.

"Okay, welcome fellas. My name is Brad and I'll be your camp instructor, You'll be sharing your cabin with three other boys, one from each school." a young man said as the whole team stood together in the forest. Everyone groaned when they found out they had to share cabins with their rivals. Louis especially. "Now now boys, this is about bonding with the other schools and learning from each other. Making friends and memories." he argued. Louis scoffed. "No. Brad. We're here to win. Not make friends." he smiled, before turning around to his team. "Am I right lads?" he called, raising his arms in the air. They all cheered happily, making Louis grin widely. "Well, that's one man's opinion..." Brad scowled. "What's your name may I ask?" he said politely. "Louis William Tomlinson." he smiled sweetly, holding out his hand to Brad. "But most people call me Pimp Daddy." he winked, making the team laugh. "Right. Louis... I'll give you your cabin first then." he nodded, shuffling through papers, until he pulled out the right one. "This has your schedule, cabin number and cabin mates, you can grab your stuff and head there now." Brad smiled blankly, handing the piece of paper over. Louis took it roughly and looked down at the paper. 

Cabin: 21 

Cabin mates:

Louis Tomlinson 

Niall Horan

Zayn Malik

Harry Styles.

'One boy from each school.' he thought to himself looking down at the four names before him and made a silent vow between himself, not not become friends with any of them what so ever. After that, he packed his things, and made his way to cabin 21.

Cabin 21 (Larry)Where stories live. Discover now