4. (Harry)

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Harry would have slept well that night. The room was heated well, and nobody snored, the mattress was comfortable, but Harry couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Louis was on the bed underneath him. He didn't understand why he was drawn to Louis so much... He was rude, arrogant, cocky, sarcastic, everything that everyone can't stand, yet there was something about him that Harry couldn't get enough of. Maybe it was the fact that Louis actually talked to him, even if it was insulting. Or maybe it was just sometimes when Harry said something, Louis would just show a hint of a smile. Whatever it was, Harry knew one thing. He needed to know more about Louis Tomlinson. 

"Time to get up boys!" a voice woke Harry up early the next morning. He groaned and sat up, stretching, making his arms touch the roof. Harry looked down to see Louis placing more wood in the fireplace and then met his eyes with Harry, frowning slightly, before turning back to the fire. Harry shrugged slightly and yawned, before finally getting out of bed and getting dressed. 

Zayn was still fast asleep, and didn't look like he would wake if a marching band came through. Harry presumed Niall was in the bathroom because he was no where to be seen. "Where's Niall at?" Harry asked Louis, cringing at the deepness in his voice. Louis swallowed, and then shrugged without looking at him, making Harry frown. "O-okay. Well, I guess we need to leave for breakfast soon then?" he asked. Louis sighed in frustration and then turned to Harry. "I thought you weren't supposed to talk much." he said. Harry frowned. "I, yeah, okay, well. I'm going to breakfast now, you can wake Zayn up." Harry replied, nodded at Louis. "Okay, I'll see you there then." Louis nodded. "Great. See you then." Harry agreed. "Cool, why aren't you going?" Lou asked. "I am, you were still talking to me so I replied..." he scoffed. "I was only talking to you because you talked to me first. Aren't you hungry?" Louis frowned. "Yes, I'm hungry, that's why I'm going to breakfast..." Harry replied. "Are you hungry?" he added. Louis paused and then sighed. "I'm a little hungry..." Louis admitted. "Okay, well I'm going to breakfast so, did you want to come with me?" Harry suggested. Louis glared at the ground before sighing again and standing up. "Yeah let's go." he agreed. "Cool." Harry grinned.

"Did you sleep okay?" Louis asked, and then instantly rolled his eyes at himself. Harry shrugged, studying the map. The forest was very confusing to navigate through. Small signs were nailed to a few trees, but apart from that, there was just a few crappy paths. "Are you excited to start camp?" he asked. Harry shrugged again. "I kinda got dragged along by my friend Liam." he replied quietly. "Oh, I'm pumped..." Louis replied. Harry smiled weakly at Louis and pointed to a path heading left. "This way." he mumbled. "How long have you known Liam for?" he asked again. "He's been my friend since primary school." Harry replied. "So he's your best friend then?" Louis asked. "I supposed. He's more like an older brother to me you know?" he smiled. Louis nodded, showing he understood. "Do you have any siblings?" he asked. Harry nodded. "Yeah, my older sister Gemma." he smiled. "What about you?" he asked. "I have a couple siblings." Louis laughed. "But I'm close with my younger sister Lottie." he added. Harry smiled, directing Louis back on the path. Making Louis frowned at him. "We should be there now." Harry muttered, and just as he said so, a house appeared through the trees, with other boys filing in sleepily. "Ah great! I'm starving." Louis grinned, making Harry stomach flip. "Oh by the way Hazza, you wouldn't happen to bring any snacks with you?" he added as a second thought. Harry smiled at the nickname but said nothing of it, knowing Louis would simply tell him to shut up and get sulky. "Um, yes I did." he nodded, walking up to the door. "Great, I did too, we should go out to the lake sometime and hang and stuff yeah?" Louis asked casually, making Harry blush for some reason. "You don't want to do that with your team mates?" Harry asked, making Louis laugh again. "They're all wankers anyway, plus they talk too much." he smiled, making Harry's inside squirm with happiness.

"Please sit on your cabin's tables. Your table number is your cabin number." one of the camp instructors called from inside. "That's Brad, he's a douche." Louis whispered in Harry's ear as they walked past. "Ah! Pimp Daddy, I see you have made a friend. I thought you were only here to win." Brad called to Louis, making him glare at the instructor. "Pimp Daddy?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrow in question. "Oh shut up." he muttered, glaring once more at Brad.

"I can't believe we're not allowed to sit with our teams!" Louis grumbled, picking at his toast. "How are we supposed to make strategies to win?" he asked no one in particular. Harry shrugged and watch Zayn and Niall walk through the door, and made their way over to the boys, Zayn particularly slowly. Harry looked across the table to Louis, who glared at Niall obviously, who came and sat next to Harry. "Sleep well lads?" he asked, Harry shrugged and Louis glared at Niall, and shuffled away from Zayn slightly, making Harry smirk. "Don't suppose you know when we'll start training do you?" Niall asked. Zayn answered this time. "We're not training. That's why we've been put with different members of different teams Niall. We're playing games, but most of the time it's just cabin challenges..." Zayn replied, making all three of the boys frown. "How do you know that?" Louis asked, turning to the boy beside him with a frown. Zayn frowned at everyone on the table. "It was on the leaflet..." he stated. "Well damn. I guess we're gonna be spending a lot more time together." Niall winked at Louis. "Well this is gonna be a long two weeks." Louis groaned, making a face at Harry; but Harry on the other hand was happy. He was going to be spending two week filled with Louis Tomlinson.

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