11. (Louis)

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"What's happening lads?" Louis asked, frowning slightly at the other boys. Harry sat, looking horrified and embarrassed, where as the other two stood with their eyebrows raised in suspicion. "Err, nothing." Harry muttered, clearing his throat and avoiding eye contact with Louis. He frowned, and walked over to the other boy, who instantly shuffled away slightly, a blush forming on his cheeks. "Harry?" Louis asked, laying a hand gently on his shoulder. "What's going on? Are you okay? Is this about Liam?" he pressed. Harry shook his head and chuckled slightly. "Definitely not about Liam." he sighed. "We want to know what's happening between you two." Niall butted in, making Louis glare at him in annoyance, until what he said fully registered in his brain. "You what?" he asked, his eyes widening. "We know something's up with you two..." Niall went on. "We aren't stupid." Zayn added. "And we just wanted to let you know that," Niall started, "we're cool with it." Zayn finished. Leaving both Louis and Harry is silence. "Well, you know if I was an outsider right now I would ask what's going on with you two." Louis muttered, still not moving. Zayn rolled his eyes, clearly not effected by his remark. "Look we're cool with it, and we won't tell anyone if you don't want us to." Niall sighed, crossing his arms at the two boys.

The four boys stayed in the same position, not talking for five minutes, before Louis finally spoke up. "Look. Okay. Fine." he muttered quietly. "But you can't tell anyone." he warned, pointing his finger roughly. Simultaneously Zayn and Niall both crossed their hearts. "We promise." Zayn nodded. "Oh this is so cute!" he then squealed. Louis glared darkly, but couldn't help a small smile seeing Zayn look so happy. "So is that why you guys were so jumpy all the time, because you were making out?" Niall laughed, looking at Harry and Louis, who rolled their eyes at the same time. "No. We haven't been making out." Harry spoke up. Niall grinned widely. "You remember you don't have to keep it a secret any more right?" he asked. "Yeah, but we weren't making out." Harry repeated, making both Zayn and Niall frown. "Are you kidding me bro? If I was interested in a girl for this long, I would have done a lot more than a little smooch." Zayn chuckled, making Louis blush in embarrassment. "Well, it's not exactly easy when you're trying to keep it a secret..." Louis defended. "He's got a point." Niall nodded, tapping Zayns shoulder lightly. "Look. Can we just stop talking about this?" Louis sighed, lying down on the bed, next to where Harry was sitting. "We would leave you guys to some privacy, but like, it's getting pretty late..." Niall spoke up, but Louis ignored him, not wanting to discuss the topic further. "You guys don't have to stress it." Harry replied instead, making Louis look up slightly. "It'll be fine, now that you know and all." he muttered, glancing over to Louis, who smiled slightly. "Well, you know, if you ever want some time alone-" Niall started. "SHUT UP!"

"So, how did you guys know that you were gay? Like, do you have some sort of gaydar or something like that?" Niall asked later that night when Zayn had come back with hot chocolates for them all. Louis rolled his eyes and laughed lightly, but didn't answer, which Niall dully noted. "We don't have a gaydar." Harry laughed. "How did you know then?" Niall asked, turning to Harry, who shrugged. "How do you get a chick to know you're into her?" he asked, making Louis smile at his Harry. "I just do, they always figure it out." Niall shrugged. "Exactly." Harry laughed, taking a gulp of his now luke warm chocolate. "Oh." Niall nodded to himself, making Louis grin at his lovable stupidity. Now that he thought about it, he didn't realise why he used to hate Niall. Of course he would never admit it to the boys that he actually liked him... That, in Louis' opinion would ruin his reputation.

"BOYS!" an excited voice woke Louis up early the next morning. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes, to see Niall standing happily. "What?" he heard Harry ask, in his deep morning voice, that Louis really liked. "We're actually playing soccer today." he replied, his voice joyful. Louis sighed with happiness, that's all he had came here to do, and finally they were actually going to play. "Finally!" Louis heard Zayn mutter from across that cabin. "Lou, are you awake?" Niall asked, probably because he had closed his eyes again. "Louuuu!" he called, walking towards him quickly. "Piss off Niall." Louis muttered into his pillow. "What was that Tommo?" Niall asked, grabbing Louis' ribs and making him squirm. "NIALL! STOP!" he yelled, wriggling out of Niall grip, and falling to the floor in the process, making the other three boys laugh intensely. "Shut up." he mumbled, standing up sleepily, making a giggle escape from Harry. "Hazza I swear to God, one more one from you and-"

"What? You'll shut him up with a kiss, that's always romantic." Niall butted in. Louis blushed slightly and looked away to try and cover it up. "I personally wouldn't mind that." Harry added, sitting up in his bed groggily. "You guys are so cute I can't even deal." Zayn piped in, making Niall nod in agreement. "We're only cute because you guys keep on making up these cute moments between us that have never happened." Louis laughed. Niall paused in thought. "Hm, true, but like, we're not stopping you guys from making them come true." he winked, nudging Louis lightly, who glared in return and sat back down on his bed. "When do we get to play soccer?" he asked, changing the subject purposely. "The afternoon, we have free time morning, and capture the flag at night." Niall replied, reading off the schedule. "You boys ready for a good day?" Niall asked. "Sure..." Zayn shrugged, making the boys laugh in amusement; but Louis knew it was going to be a good day, a great day in fact.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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