3. (Louis)

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Louis huffed slightly and crossed his arms. Harry couldn't seem to stop smiling widely. "Styles, stop. You look like a goof." Louis told the tall boy. Harry instantly stopped smiling and ran his long fingers through his hair. "I think I'll have a shower if you boys don't mind." Harry announced out loud. Louis shrugged and walked over to his bed, lying on it comfortably, and staring at the wooden planks above him. Harry, walked up to his suitcase which stood at the end of their bed and pulled out a towel, before proceeding to the door, and stepped inside.

Louis sighed with boredom, at least Harry was kind of alright to be with because he didn't talk; but the other two put Louis on the edge of his nerves. Niall and Zayn seemed to get along just fine, and were chatting happily as they put the fire together. Louis glared at their backs before sighing and getting up. "Where are you going?" Zayn asked. "A walk." Louis replied simply, and then hurried out the door. It was already starting to get dark, so he walked the same way Harry and him went only a few minutes before. Louis hated how he couldn't be with his team mates. He didn't even know where their cabins were. There was literally a crappy map on the back of that schedule sheet and that's all he got. He kicked the dirt roughly and tripped on a loose root. "Oh fucking hell." he cursed at the root and dusted himself off. If Harry was there he would have had someone to blame his fall on, but no. Harry had to be in the shower, making Louis bored, making him trip over the root. He decided he would just blame Harry when he got back to the cabin.

Louis walked a while longer until it got too dark, and headed back. Harry was still in the shower, but the fire had been lit properly, and Niall and Zayn were playing a game of cards. "Vas happening Lou." Zayn asked as he walked into the cabin. Louis just glared at the boy and walked over to the couch. "How long until Harry comes out?" he asked, making Niall put his cards down. "Um, exactly three minutes and twent- how are we supposed to know!" he snapped angrily. "Woah, calm down..." Louis huffed. And just on cue, the water turned off in the bathroom.

Harry finally walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist and his curly ringlets dripping with water. Louis swallowed and averted his eyes, feeling some how embarrassed by looking at the boy half naked. Suddenly, Harry took his towel off and Louis widened his eyes. "Harry! You ca-" he exclaimed, but stopped half way "Oh, you have boxers..." he laughed slightly. "Calm down Louis." Zayn butted in. Louis rolled his eyes at the boy who was very much focused on his game. Louis smiled sheepishly at Harry who returned a large dimply grin that made Louis' stomach flip. And he didn't like it.

"What time is bedtime?" Harry asked as he sat with Louis on the couch. "Who cares?" Louis scoffed, turning to Harry with a confused look. "Well, you know... Shouldn't we respect what we're told to do?" he asked, making Louis frown. "No..." he stated. "Oh. Right, well what do you want to do then?" he asked, making Louis shrugged. "I don't know Harry, I want to be a pro football player but let's face it, that's not gonna happen is it." he sighed. "Why not? I reckon you could do it if you put your mind and energy to it." Harry said, making Louis groan in annoyance. "Maybe we should just go to bed lads, we have a big day ahead of us am I right?" he yawned, getting up from his position and stretching widely. "I agree." Niall said, making Zayn nod, and finally Harry agreed and stood up next to Louis. 

"Goodnight Lou." he heard Harry say from above him. Louis smiled slightly and was about to reply with the same, but then he remember his vow. "Go to sleep Styles."

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