I'm Worthless

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I could hear little sniffles coming from him. He really loves me so much. "Sho, don't you ever think of doing that. If you do I won't be able to live without you."


I was crying my eyes out. Why would he say such a thing like that? He's really worrying me. I grab his hand and we start back walking. We walk past the stop sign to my house. "Um Kageyama, you missed our stop." I ignore him and we keep walking towards my house. "I'm taking you to my house." We make it to my house and I unlock the door. "Come in."

He was a little hesitant at first, but he came inside. "I can't stay for long. I got to get home soon." I nod and take off my shoes and he does the same. "Do you want a snack or anything to drink?" He nods his head and I grab him a snack and drink from the fridge. "Thanks." He eats his snack and drinks his juice. The way he chews is so adorable. I love everything about him. His smile, his laugh, his brown eyes, his fluffy orange hair. He's just adorable. He caught me staring at him and I quickly look away blushing in embarrassment.

He giggles. "Were you staring at me?" I turn a little more red when he asked me that question. "N-No." He laughs which makes me chuckle. It's good to see him smile. I want to make memories like this with him forever. I walk over to him and give him a kiss. "Want to watch a movie?" I ask and he nods his head. He runs over to the movie box and picks out a movie. He picks out a super scary movie which I know he hates horror movies. "Are you sure you want to watch this?" He nods his head and I sigh then put the movie in the DVD player.

About 45 minutes into the movie he is already getting scared. He was clinging onto my arm and sometimes he would jump on my lap and wrap his arms around my neck. I would give him a kiss on the cheek for him to feel better. "Do you think you can sleep over?" He looks at me shocked at first then looks down to the ground and shakes his head. I nod then we finish the movie.

~After the movie~

"Are you sure you can walk home by yourself?" He was sitting down by the door putting his shoes on. "I'm sure. I'll be fine Tobio." He jumps up after putting his shoes on and stands on his tippy toes to give me a kiss. He couldn't reach so I leaned over and kiss him on the lips passionately. He waves goodbye and heads out the door.


I ran to my house. Hopefully I don't get in trouble. I'll just tell them that I was at a friend's house working on a project. I finally make it home and unlock the door. I walk in only to be grabbed by my dad. He threw me on the floor and kicked me in my chest. "Where the hell have you been?!" I stayed for quiet for a second then I begin the speak. "I...I was at a friend's house working on a project." He kicks me again in the chest, but harder.

"Liar! Where have you been?!" I was crying because I could barely breath or talk. "I-I'm telling t-the truth." He scoffs then pours a bottle of beer on me. "Your just worthless." He kicks me again and goes up to his room. I stumble getting up off the floor. I limp to my room and go in the bathroom to run me a bath. Maybe he's right. I'm worthless. I'm nothing. Nobody cares about me. Nobody loves me. I started crying hard and silently so my parents wouldn't come back in the room.

I stop the water and takes off my clothes and get in. I just sit there in the warm tub looking at the ceiling. I then sink my head down in the water. Soon everything was black. Then I saw Kageyama. I think I was dreaming. Me and him goofing around at his house. I'm happy and free and I see little kids running around. Are those our kids.

Soon I realized something. Kageyama! I quickly wake up and get to the top of the water to breathe the air. I-I can't leave this world. What about Kageyama? He would never be able to move on without me. I get out the tub and dry off and change into my pajamas. I lay in the bed staring at the ceiling just thinking to myself. What would happen if I really killed myself? What changes will be made?


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