Where Do We Go Now?

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I don't ever want to go back home. I hate my life. I hate that I live with those evil people, but sooner or later I'm going to have to tell Kageyama the truth about everything.


Me and Hinata were finishing up out bath. I got out the tub and wrapped a towel around me then I put a towel around Hinata. We dried off and put our clothes back on. "Here's your hoodie." I turn and see him holding it out to give it back to me. I smile and kiss him on the head. "Keep it." He smiles and jumps around and I just laugh at him. He stops jumping around and gives me a hug.

I kiss on his head and ruffle his hair. "I love you." He looks at me shock. The only time I said that to him was when we were friends now we are lovers. I could see him tearing up a little and I just smile. He buries his head in my chest. "I love you to." I smile and give him a long passionate kiss. "Want me to walk you home?" He nods and he grabs his stuff and we leave.

We start walking to his house and he keeps talking how we should go on more dates. He jumps on my back and I fall to the ground. "Oh my gosh Kageyama! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I get up and I rub my head and I feel something dripping from my nose. "You have a bloody nose." I put my hand up to my nose and I see blood. He grabs a tissue out of his pocket and gives it to me. I hold it up to my nose.

He looks sad. Then he starts to tear up. I hug him and kiss him to make him feel better. "It's not your fault, ok?" He nods and we continue walking to his house. We soon get to his doorstep. He kisses my lips then he heads inside the house. I hope he's going to be ok.


When I walked in I was already getting yanked around. "So your gay, huh? That just makes me even angrier." He pushes me to the floor and kicks me. Then he goes to the kitchen and grabs a knife. He takes my leg and slices a big cut on my arm and leg. "There you go you little bitch. Now get your sister and both of you get the fuck out my house." I look at him with tears in my eyes. "W-Where are w-we suppose to g-go." He looks at me and laughs.

"I don't care where the hell you go, but you got to get the fuck out of here." He goes upstairs and grabs Natsu. He pushes her down the stairs. "There you go little brat." I crawl over to Natsu to see if she is hurt or anything. Thank God she's ok, but her face was bruised and cuts were on her face to.

He grabs both of us tossing us out the door. "Good ridden." He slams the door and locks it. I use all my strength to get up and I pick up Natsu and put her on my back. I walk slowly to Kageyama's house. He was the closest and he would help us. Besides I didn't want to stay here in the cold. I finally reached his doorstep, but when I got there I collapsed on his porch. I banged on the door a few times hoping he would answer, but everything just went black.


I was upstairs in my room just watching some volleyball clips. Soon I heard a weird noise like something dropping, but I ignored it. Then I heard a loud bang. I quickly jumped up and ran downstairs to my door. I open the door and see Hinata and Natsu collapsed on the ground. I grab both of them quickly and pull them inside. I grab blankets, water, and the first aid kit. They look like they just gotten into a fight.

I saw this huge cut on Hinata's arm and leg. I cleaned it and wrapped them up. Then I took care of Natsu. I saw some cuts and bruises on her face. I clean the cuts and I cleaned them off then put bandages on them. I pick her up and put her in Miwa's bed. I cover her up, so that she wouldn't get cold. Ty en I went back down the Hinata and picked him up and put him in my bed. I stayed right there by Hinata side until he woke up.

It was about an hour later. I could see Hinata moving in his sleep then finally he open his eyes. As soon as he saw me I hugged him tightly trying not to hurt him. He cried and hugged me back. "S-Sho p-please tell me w-who d-did this." He didn't speak he was just silent. "Sho!" I was getting angry so I raised my voice at him. It scared him because I never did that to him and this was also our first fight.


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