Hello Tobio

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When I saw him I broke down crying on the floor. I got up and went to his side. I look at his chart and it said that he was in a coma. "No no no this can't be! Hinata! Wake up! please..."


Three days. It's been three days and Hinata is still in a coma. I haven't ate, slept, or came out my room. The only time I come out my room is to visit him. I come here everyday hoping he would wake up. I really needed him to open his eyes. The doctor said he don't know if Hinata would ever wake up, but I have hope that he will.

"Hey Hinata. I just wanted to let you know that I miss you. I miss you so much, I haven't ate or slept. My mom and sister said that I was getting small and pale, but I didn't care." They were right though. I tried on one of Miwa's hoodies and it fit. She is like 10 pounds smaller than me.

I get a phone call from Miwa and I answer it. "Hey Miwa. What's up?" "Hey Tobio. Mom said come home because it's getting late and she doesn't want you out late." I sigh and look at Hinata. "Yea, ok" I hang up the phone. I didn't listen. I wanted to stay for a few more hours. I talked to Hinata about how things have been going. I gave him tiny pecks in his lips and cheeks hoping he would wake up, but he didn't.

"Excuse me sir. Visiting hours are over. I nod my head and give Hinata one peck on the lips before leaving. I head home and when I make it home. My mom was mad that I made it home so late. "Do you have any idea what time it is." It was only 8:30. Why was she yelling over that? "Me and your father was scared to death thinking something happened to you. I don't want you in the hospital like Hinata."

For some reason when she said that. I just...snapped. "LEAVE HINATA OUT OF THIS! HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! I DON'T EVER WANT TO HEAR HIS NAME COME OUT YOUR MOUTH AGAIN!" I stomp up to my room and lay on my bed crying. Soon I heard a soft knock at the door. "Go away." The door opened and I turned around to see it was Miwa.

"Hey Tobio." I ignore her and lay my head in my pillow. "Listen, I know your worried about Hinata, but everything is going to be just fine." I didn't answer all I did was just lay in my bed in silence. Soon she left the room and I just laid there in my bed sobbing.

~Next Morning~

I was at the hospital the exact time visiting hours started. I didn't eat like usual all I did was come to see Hinata. When I walked in as usual I expected him to still be in a come, but when I walked in...he was awake. "Hello Tobio." His smile was just the same. I broke down the the floor sobbing uncontrollably. I finally got up and went over and hugged him.

"Y-Your finally a-awake." He was rubbing my back trying to calm me down. It was about 30 minutes later I stop crying. The nurses came in to check Hinata and do tests on him, but I wanted to know why he wanted to leave me. "Hinata." He turned his head towards mine. "Why did you want to kill yourself?" Those words made him tear up.

He was hesitant at first, but then he told me. "It's just that. All my troubles have caused problems for you and your family. I didn't want that to happen anymore. So I felt like if I was gone from this world. You wouldn't have any more troubles." I didn't know what to say. All I know was that. I was crying all over again. I hugged him lightly trying not to hurt him.

"I love you, ok? You haven't brought trouble to me or my family. Those were just mistakes that came in our relationship caused my other people who hurt you. And Miwa. Your her best friend. Sometimes I get jealous when she takes you from me, but I see you having fun. So please...please don't leave me."
He hugs me back and was he was also crying. "I love you to."

Me and Hinata talked about what we would workout when we got back home. The doctor came in and told us that it would be a month before Hinata came home. When he does go home we have to work on his therapy. Not just physically, but also...mentally. "Kageyama, have you been eating?" He noticed that and when I tried to hide myself he would just rub my back.

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