I Have To Get Him Back

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I didn't want to leave Kageyama in this state. I wanted to stay with him. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to kiss, but I couldn't. Soon everything went pitch black.


I begin to wake up. I was on the couch, but how did I get here. I remember being on the floor when the policemen tased me. "TOBIO!" Soon Miwa hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. "I got home and you was on the floor. Tell me what happened." All my thoughts came back to me and I started to cry. "Hinata got taken away and it's because of his evil parents." Miwa was confused what I was talking about. I explained the whole situation to her.

"Tobio, I'm so sorry that happened." She hugged me, but all I could do was cry. I don't know what I was going to do without Hinata. I love him so much. I need him in my arms. I need to hug his warm body and to kiss him. I want to lay with him. I just needed to see him, but I knew if I left they wouldn't let me see him. I have to get him back.

"I made dinner. Want some?" I shook my head then I walked up to my room. I laid in my bed just staring at the ceiling. If I can't get Hinata back. What am I going to do? I got out my phone and look at any unread messages. I didn't see Hinata's name pop up, so I just shut my phone off and turned over and fell asleep.

I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. I quickly jump up and look at the number. It was an unknown number, but I still answered. "Hello." I heard no answer at first. "Hello, yes. Is this Mr. Kageyama." I stood up and wiped the tears off my face. "Y-Yes." This could be from Child Protective Services. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to see Hinata and Natsu. You can't get them because your not a fully grown adult, but you can come visit them from time to time.

I was so happy, but sad at the same time. "Yes, I'll be on my way now." I hung up the phone and ran down the stairs. "Tobio, where are you going?" I put on my shoes and jacket. "To see Hinata and Natsu. They said I can't get them because I'm not a fully grown adult, but I can come and see them." Miwa just stood there and shook her head. "Tobio, aren't you forgetting something?" I looked at her confused. "What?" She giggles at me. "That I will be a fully grown adult in a week."

I totally forgot Miwa birthday is next week. When she turns 18 she will be fully grown, so that means that Hinata and Natsu can come and live with us. Our parents gave us this house so that we can be closer to school. While they live 5 hours away. "This is great! Next week when you officially turn 18 we can get them and bring them home with us." I was so excited. I grab my keys and run down to Child Protective Services.


I soon heard the news that Kageyama was coming down to visit us. They told me that he couldn't take me home with him since he wasn't a fully grown adult. It made me cry, but I know he'll figure it out. I was playing in the hangout lobby with Natsu. I haven't seen her happy in a while and it's nice to see her smiling again.

"Hinata and Natsu you have a guest." Soon I saw Kageyama walk up to the door. I immediately burst into tears. He runs up to me and hugs me. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you." Natsu came up to us and gave us all a hug which made me laugh. "I got some news." I was excited to here what he had to say. "So next week I might be able to take you and your sister home with me officially."

I was excited, but sad at the same time. I have to wait a whole week for him to get me. "Miwa birthday is next week, so when she turns 18 you and Natsu will come home with us." I hugged him and he kiss my neck. "I love you so much Hinata. When you come home I'm never letting you out my sight."

Everytime he would say "I love you" it would make my heart skip a beat. We talked and played with Natsu for an hour. Until it was time for Kageyama to head back home because of visiting hours. I felt like I was in prison. "I love you." He gave me a peck on the lips before leaving. Me and Natsu had to go to our bedrooms. I put Natsu to bed and her roommate Emily was already asleep in bed. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and went to my room.

I heard I got a new roommate. I wonder who he could be. I just hope he's not a gay pervert because I already have the best boyfriend in the whole world. I walked in and see him jumping from bed to bed. Great he's one of them hyper people. He stopped and looked at me. "Oh hey." He jumped off the bed and came up in front of me. "I'm your new roommate Atsumu Miya. Maybe he won't be so bad.


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