Stop It Atsumu!

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"Oh hey." He jumped off the bed and came up in front of me. "I'm your new roommate Atsumu Miya. Maybe he won't be so bad.


Today was the day. The day that me and Natsu went to go live with Miwa and Kageyama. It was also Miwa birthday. Me and her get along super well. We are like besties now. Kageyama gets jealous sometimes because he thinks she is going to steal me from him, but that will never happen. I will always be his and he will always be mine. Me, Natsu, and Atsumu were outside in the yard of the Children Protective Services facility playing some volleyball.

"Ok, I think we should take a break." I laugh at him. I can't believe he's tired already. I still have a lot of energy in me. "I still have a bunch of energy!" He laughs at me. "Shoyo, I'm hungry." Natsu was nudging my arm. "Ok let's go get something to eat." I pick her up and we walk to the cafeteria. Atsumu was following behind us. "What do you want?" She got out of my arms and went to what she wanted.

"I want a poke bowl." I giggle at her little words and I grab her a poke bowl. She goes and grabs her a juice. We sit at the table and I put a napkin on her lap, so she wouldn't waste anything. "Soooo, today is the day you leave right?" I nod and help Natsu with her food. "My boyfriend and his sister are coming to pick me up, so we can go hangout for his sister's birthday." Natsu waste her food on her shirt and I help her clean it.

"It was fun having you here Hinata, but before you leave will you meet me in our room. I have a surprise for you." My eyes lit up when he said surprise was it candy. Oooo or maybe the new game I was talking about. "Ok." I help Natsu finish her food and then I head to her room to change her into some clean clothes. She was getting sleepy, so I laid her down in her bed and tucked her in. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and close the door.

It was going to be about an hour before Kageyama and Miwa got here, so I decided to go back to my room to see what the surprise Atsumu had. I go to the room and it was pitch black dark. I couldn't see, so I turned on the lights and I saw Atsumu laying on my bed. NAKED?! "Um Atsumu, why are you on my bed naked?" He doesn't say anything and he starts walking towards and I back up against the wall.

He smashes his lips onto mines and I push him on the ground. "What the fuck?! Didn't I tell you I have a boyfriend?!" He chuckles and get up off the ground. "I don't give one fuck about your boyfriend. I'll kill that bastard." He pins me to the wall and starts kiss my neck. I try to move my arms, but he was to strong. He starts grinding her erection against me. "Stop it Atsumu!" He leaves a mark on my neck. It was dark so you could tell it was there.

Soon we heard a knock on the door. "Mr. Hinata some people are here to take you home." Atsumu loosen his grip and I break away from him and punch him in the face. I grab my stuff and I walk out the room to Natsu's room. "Hey Natsu come on let's go." She didn't wake up so I picked her up and grabbed her bag and we headed to the lobby. Soon I saw Kageyama. He grabbed Natsu out my hands and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go home.

We were about to walk out the door until he looked at my neck. His face screamed anger. "Who did this Sho?" I was quiet for a moment then I spoke. "A-Atsumu." I said it quietly, but he still heard me. He laid Natsu on the couch carefully and he stomped down to Atsumu's room. I followed behind him. "Kageyama don't." He didn't listen he kicked the door open and we saw Atsumu laying in his bed fully clothed.

Kageyama walked over to him and slapped him. "Don't ever put your hands on my boyfriend again. You bastard." He grabbed my arm and went back to the lobby. He picked up Natsu and a bag and we headed to the car. I sat Natsu in the back and put her seatbelt on then I got in the front and I put mines on. He drove off and we headed home in an awkward silence.

I decided to break the silence with a little small talk. "Where's Miwa?" He was silent at first, but then he talked. "She's at home getting ready, so we can go out." I didn't say anything else after that. We just rode home in silence. We finally make it back to Kageyama's house. I missed this place. I see Natsu in the back. She finally woke up. I unbuckled my seatbelt while Kageyama got our bags. I got Natsu out the car and we walked in the house together.

"HINATA!" Miwa came up running to me. She was wearing a sparkly shirt dress. Her makeup was done. She had her hair in curls and not to high, high heels. "You look good bestie." She laughs. "Thanks." Kageyama grabbed my arm and he dragged me up to his room. As soon as we got in there he closed the door and locked it. I was kind of scared. Was he mad at me because of the mark? Soon he smashes his lips onto mines.


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