Chapter 3: Part 2

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Kiss With A Fist



Chapter 3: Part 2

     Trust me to get into the craziest situations. It wouldn't surprise me if it was a deranged clown with a machine gun, out to get revenge because of an abusive childhood. Ah well. This was my life, and something like this was bound to happen eventually. I sighed, but there was a hand clamped over my mouth. Suddenly, I bit down on the surprisingly soft hand, and heard a satisfying crunch.

     My captor yelled in pain, letting go of my mouth and loosening their hold. I broke free and turned, miffed at the fact that I would probably end up ruining my uniform if I fought. I gasped as I saw my captor's face.

     "What in the bloody devil's residence were you thinking?!" I shrieked.

     "You should style your hair like that often. I missed your unique highlights," He replied, stepping closer to me. He twirled a strand of my hair around his finger. "I didn't want you to scream and bring unwanted attention." He explained. So much for the crazy clown idea. This was definitely much, much worse. "And that is one hot outfit," he whistled, staring at me hungrily. I felt like gagging.

     "So you decided to kidnap me and scare the living daylight—" He cut me off by pressing his lips against mine, pushing my back against a building. He kissed me roughly, but I was so shocked, I just stood there unresponsive.

     He leaned back and gave me a flat look before attacking my lips with much more ferocity. But this time I was prepared, and I bit his lip with as much force as possible, but he took it as a sign that I wanted to deepen the kiss, so he parted his lips. When I didn't respond, he bit my lip. Hard. I opened my mouth in protest, but he shoved his tongue in my mouth. I tried pushing him away but he didn't budge, so I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine.

     He grunted, and I pushed him away from me.

     "Are you insane!? How dare you!? I can't believe this. Oh bloody merde." I spluttered indignantly. Why him? Why ME? I wanted to kiss someone I liked, maybe even loved. I didn't want to kiss a bloody creep. "Why did you come back Josh? I told you I wanted nothing more to do with you and your games." This couldn't be happening. Why was he back? Probably got bored of his easy girlfriends, I smiled wryly. At least I wasn't one of those whores like I could've been.

     "Since when have I ever listened to you?" He growled through clenched teeth. He had a dangerous glint in his eyes, but before I could react, he grabbed my wrists, pinning me against the wall. My head hit the brick wall, and I groaned in pain. Josh took this chance and kissed me again, this time more fiercely. He brought my hands up, pinning each to the side of my head and pushed his whole body against mine, pressing his knee between my legs so I was stuck. I squirmed, trying to get free, but I could barely move. This was way too familiar, only last time I actually wanted to be in this position. "Kiss me back goddammit!" He growled. I shook my head. No. I would never kiss him back. Never again. Unwanted memories pushed through the wall I had built to protect myself from painful memories. "Fine," he said with a sharp edge to his tone.

     He moved his lips away from mine, kissing his way down my jaw instead. When he got to the hollow of my throat, he licked me. A shiver of disgust went through me. Once upon a time, I would've been ecstatic.

     "Stop. Please stop it." I pleaded. I tried once again to break free, but it was futile. I didn't want him anymore. He had broken my heart into a thousand pieces, leaving me damaged and all alone.

     "Stop it." He mimicked in a high voice, and started sucking the skin right under my jaw. I felt tears forming at the corner of my eyes. I was completely, utterly, and despicably helpless.

     "Josh, you hurt me more than you can imagine. I don't want you anymore. Why did you even come back? What do you want?" I asked, as I felt him kiss his way down towards my chest. I felt his lips right at the neckline of my lacy shirt, and I froze.

     "You." He mumbled against my skin. Goosebumps formed on my exposed skin, and my eyes widened in terror.

     "NO! STOP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME—" I started screaming desperately. Josh silenced me by bringing his lips to mine. I shook my head, not letting him kiss me. The bloody swine was going to pay for doing this to me. He could've had me, he had my heart, but he decided to tear it to shreds. I wasn't falling for him twice. Never again would I want him to be mine.

     His fingers dug painfully into my wrists, and he pushed me harder against the wall. He bit my lip, drawing blood, and when I finally gave up, he stuck his tongue in roughly. He pressed against me harder, nearly crushing me, and I couldn't breathe. Black spots appeared in my vision, and my mind got all fuzzy and weird. I tried fighting against the stupor that had fallen over me, but I was tired. So bloody tired.

I closed my eyes in defeat.

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A/N: Sorry about the cliff hangers, but it keeps you interested right?

So, what do you guys think? Like the story so far, or you don’t like it…?

Song for today:

Never Again by Midway State


Apologize by One Republic


Rolling In The Deep by Adele

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