Chapter one

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Katsukis POV

I was only 3 when it started. The yelling. The abuse. The trauma. The worst day of my life, atleast I thought that was the worst day.

What happened? Let me explain.

I woke up due to the loud screaming and yelling coming from downstairs. I had just fallen asleep, and woke up so early. I was still very sleepy. This was the first time mommy and daddy started yelling. It really scared me to hear them yelling and screaming like that.

I unwrapped myself from my comfortable paw patrol blanket, and sat up. Their yelling was really hurting my ears. I'm going to ask them to quiet down.

Bad idea.

I walked down the stairs slowly. As I neared the bottom of the stair, the yelling got louder. Louder, and louder. I was at the entrance of the kitchen, unknowingly. I came back to my senses, and moved out of the way just in time to dodge the plate that came flying right past my head. My breath got caught in my throat, and I froze when I saw it fly past my head.

My eyes widened and my whole body seemed to stiffen. I turned my head to face my parents, only to see the most terrifying thing I've ever saw.

Mommy was naked; with only a bra on, and she was only in her... shorts? I don't know, I don't know what they are called. She had a purple spot on her arm and her eye was super dark.

She was crying and saying something to daddy. I couldn't really understand what they were saying though. Her hands were in front of her like a shield, and daddy was yelling at her.

There was a puddle of a clear substance on the floor, and broken glass. I just thought it was water, because it looked like water.

"M-mommy..? Are you okay?" Mommy turned to look at me, but she didn't do anything. She just stared, and made pleading eyes at me. It was almost like she didn't want me there.

Daddy looked at me, and for some reason got angry. He came marching toward me, and I thought he was gonna pick me up, so I made grabby hands at him. But I was super wrong. He kicked me... super hard in my stomach, and I yelped and fell over, tears immediately poured out of my eyes as I sobbed and cried from the pain.

He yelled at me to stop crying, and hit me in the face. I just couldn't. It hurt too much. I continued crying and a couple seconds later, daddy left and told me he was gonna get the belt. I looked up at mommy with teary eyes and she gave me a look of pity before wiping her eyes.

She came and picked me up, whispering things in my ear, and rubbing my back. All of this comfort and sweet words were making me fall asleep. She started to sing a lullaby and it was really sweet.

"Hush little baby don't say a word.."

I leaned my head on her shoulder, closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

"Mamas gonna buy you a mocking bird.."

I opened my eyes for a split second, and saw daddy staring at me, giving me a look. He looked scary. So I squeezed my eyes shut, and didn't open them again.

"And if that mocking bird doesn't sing.."

I felt myself drifting off slowly. I enjoyed hearing that song.

"Mamas gonna buy you a diamond ring.."

That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. It was peaceful, and I enjoyed every last bit of it.

But sadly, good things don't always last.

A couple hours later, I woke up again. They were yelling and screaming really loud, and it was making my ears hurt so bad, I started crying.

Just then, I felt someone pick me up. Then it happened again.

"Shh baby it's alright, go back to sleep.."

I fell asleep.

The same night, I woke up again.

Then, that's when I developed insomnia. I couldn't sleep anymore. I had to listen to their screaming and yelling all night.


4 years old.. the day I got my quirk.

I slowly opened the door, and when I walked in. I saw something horrifying.

There it was, my mom and dad fighting.

Daddy was throwing glass bottles at mommy, and she was yelling at him, also shielding herself. One hit her, in the face. And it started to bleed. He then slapped her, and punched her over and over again.

I just stood there. Frozen. I couldn't move. I wasn't able to. I just had to watch.

Mommy pushed daddy, then picked me up. She ran to her room and locked it. A couple seconds later I heard loud knocking at the door.

Mommy sat me down on the bed, and went to find something in her dresser. She found what she was looking for, and put it in my ears. It felt weird. She plugged it up to her phone, and played something. It was music. The music was nice, really nice.

I saw her walk into her closet, but I don't know what she did in there. I saw her run out with another phone in her hand, and I saw her lips move, but I couldn't hear her.

"My hears a stereo.. it beats for you so listen close~" I closed my eyes and laid down, continuing to listen to the calm music.

I fell asleep. It was actually peaceful for once.

Then that's when I found out.

Music cures my insomnia.

New chapters come out every other day since the whole book has been completed for months now-

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