Chapter 9 ~ Everything is Okay

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The sound of a door slamming echoed through the house. It was quiet and full of tension. Nobody was there to lighten up the room, like George always did. It was dark and subdued. Dream didn't mean for it to happen like this. All he wants is answers. He ruffled his hands through his hair and leaned on the counter.
What did I do, you dumb idiot.
He grabbed a jar he had bought from the store and went to put it in the cupboard. The sound of glass clashing startled him. He didn't even realize he dropped it.

He bent over to pick up the glass pieces, waiting for someone to come check on him. Nobody came. He threw the broken glass in the trash, and continued to put away groceries.

The sound of faint shuffling filled his ears. As he looked up, he saw George, standing in the hallway leaning on the wall, startled.

"Are you okay?" George asked for quietly. "I'm fine." Dream said in a firm tone. He looked very irritated, but George wasn't sure if it was himself, him, or the fact he dropped a jar full of jelly.

"Why can't we just talk about this, dream?" Dream wasn't looking at him, but he was listening.

The room was silent for a moment. George began to talk, until dream cut him off:

"I just don't want this to be messed up. I like the way things are now, and I don't want to talk about it because I don't want things to change. I don't know, maybe I'm being a little stubborn."

"Dream... why didn't you just say that instead of running away and ignoring me?"

"I was afraid things would change. I just think it's something we can wait to talk about. I mean, we're having fun, why does it have to be... labeled?"

"It doesn't. I just don't want to—" George sighed, and tried to gather his words. "What do you not want, George?" Dream asked with care and confusion. "I— nothing! Everything is great" George said with a smile. Dream didn't buy it, but he left it alone.

George was afraid he was falling in love. He wanted to know what was going on between them because he didn't want to be hurt if he was a fling.

George heads back to his room and flops onto the bed.

"Maybe we should just see things through; I'm really am enjoying my time with him." George says to himself with a smile.

Dream finished putting groceries away, and began to cook dinner for the three of them. As he was preparing the food, he was thinking about what George was about to say.

Was he about to say what I think he was? Was he going to confess something? No. No he wouldn't because we don't actually think that about each other, there's no way. Yes we have been friends for a number of years, but we only just started living together. I think we're both just caught in the moment, it'll probably all be over with soon and it'll be something to laugh about.

Boy, was he completely wrong.


A few hours had passed, and all three of the boys ate some delicious garden salad for dinner.

"Who wants to play board games!!" Sapnap said, dragging on the words "board games."

"Sure, I'll play!" Dream excitedly replied. "What about you George?"

"Uhhh, I don't knowww" George replied hesitantly.

"Oh come on, I know you don't like video games that much, but I swear you'll enjoy playing."

After a little convincing from Dream, of course, George was persuaded to play, and they decided to play monopoly.

"You little cheater!!" Dream said with a laugh. "You just stole my house from my property."

"What! No I didn't" George replied with a wry smile. He knew he cheated, but what's the fun in playing by the rules?

"You're going to pay for this." Dream pointed his finger at George and began to sit on his knees, ready to pounce on George. He knew he was very ticklish, and George saw what was about to come.

"No, don't do it please—.." but it was too late. Dream had already started tickling George with no remorse. George was laughing, kicking, screaming, all that jazz.

Dream was laughing hysterically, until Sapnap pulled him off and started rough-housing with Dream himself.

The tickling turned into rough-housing, and the rough-housing turned into a pillow fight.

They all got tired and sprawled on the floor, all laughing so hard their faces turned beet-red.

"Oh my god" Dream said through heavy breaths and faint laughs. "Now that, was a fun game of monopoly.

They all started laughing again, but it died down a little faster as they were recollecting themselves.

"I'm never playing board-games with you guys EVER again" George said with a slight giggle."


It was around 9 pm, when they all decided to watch a horror movie, which was a dumb decision considering that Sapnap and George scream like babies, and Dream is just absolutely terrified of any type of horror.

They turned the L-couch into a nice little bed that was wide enough to fit the three of them: George in the middle, dream on his right, and Sapnap on his left. They had pillows and blankets surrounding them, with a bowl of popcorn sitting on George's lap.

"Honestly, why did we decide on a horror movie?" Dream asked anxiously.

"Because you said you were man enough to watch a whole horror movie without screaming or turning it off." Sapnap said with a confident smile. "Oh, I did say that didn't I..." Dream was regretting his decision, but there was no turning back now.

Sapnap could watch a horror movie anyway even if his scream said otherwise. But Dream and George? That's out of the question.

After Sapnap had fallen asleep, Dream immediately turned the tv off and looked at George. "Do not tell sapnap that I turned the movie off early or I won't hear the end of it." Dream said with a threatening voice, but in a joking matter. George promised he wouldn't but, he's a little unpredictable.


It was around 12 am, and all three of them had fallen asleep. Sapnap was leaning his head back, snoring and drooling everywhere, while Dream was leaning against the arm-rest of the couch while George laid on him with his arms wrapped draping over Dreams body.

They were all happy, and that's all that mattered.

A/n: I bet nobody is reading this anymore because it took me like, a year, I don't even know, to publish a ninth chapter, but here we are!
I regained some confidence and motivation because I have nothing to do and reading old fan-fictions that I love inspired me. If anyone is reading this, thank you for sticking around.
Thank you!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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