Chapter 15

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All night I wrestled with whether I should tell Arden about Rafe. It would be easier, and better for my mental health if I had an ally in the cottage. Someone to distract Gran while the other made it down to Rafe.

But the thought of sharing Rafe with another left a bad taste in my mouth. A stupid sense of protectiveness that lured me into thinking he was mine. My head knew he never would be.

And Arden would totally bollock me for making a deal with an angel.

The next day, after Gran had swept back my full fringe to kiss me on the forehead, spluttering her apologies she had to leave, and after Arden had slipped out of the house without so much as a goodbye following a series of beeps on his phone, I managed to get Rafe upstairs.

He'd gained some of his strength back, still needing my support to move anywhere further than the restricted boundary of the cellar. We struggled together, first up the cellar's solid steps and then up the short flight of stairs to the bathroom.

One agonising step at a time.

Rafe clung to the sink's cracked porcelain rim with whitened knuckles. Tension rode in his arms, the edges of his teeth digging into his bottom lip. I'd already run the bath and made sure the water was warm. Any hotter, and I was worried the heat would sting his healing wounds.

I could feel Rafe's eyes on me from across the room, the heat of his stare boring into me. Suddenly, the air was too close. I tugged my collar away from my throat.

"There, you're all set," I said uneasily. "I'll go downstairs and keep watch. I don't know how long Gran or Arden will be. But don't think you have to rush, take your time and do what you need to do."



"I need your help."

"With? Oh?" One look at him and I realised what he was asking. Keeping upright zapped his energy. I debated telling him to have a go or get into the bath with his clothes on. But no. I'm an adult. I could be mature about it.

"That's fine," I forced a smile.

Uncurling his fingers, Rafe stretched his arm to place it about my shoulders. I took the hint and went to his side, wrapping my arm around his lower back. He grunted, as I helped lower him down onto the top of the toilet seat.

His skin glistened beneath a film of sweat, his bones jittered. Sympathy wiped away any remaining doubts I had about helping him.

"Shirt first?"

Rafe nodded and leaned back, pulling the hem of Arden's much too small shirt away from his stomach. I took it, peeling upwards with a careful hand. Bruises splattered across his muscles, and I found my anger burning up my insides. I needed to know who hurt him.

Rafe winced as I pulled it over his head, my apologetic smile doing little to make him feel better. He slumped against the cistern, the little energy he had now evaporating.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he said. Gritting his teeth, he surged forward unbuckling the belt of his jeans and unhooking the button. Every minute action left him breathless. "Yesterday you said you'd gone to find out about the Nature Witch."

I nodded. "I did."

"Did you find anything out?"

"When you're feeling better, I'll go through everything with you. Who did this to you? I could help."

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