Chapter 26

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Below ground seemed so much colder now they were empty. No warmth without its people. But I supposed that was the point. It was the people who made a coven.

In the Ceremony Room, as I waited for Fawn, my eyes lifted upwards, picturing the world above. The frantic preparations of witches readying for attack. My legs were itching to move, to be with them. I prayed to the Goddess for Arden's safety. Although if he moved in for Rafe before the hour was up, I'd kill him myself.

If they made it out.

Scuffed footsteps sounded in the swirling portal, then Pendle appeared, smiling, his puffed bright red cheeks meeting his eyes. His wispy hair stuck up in all directions. He seemed out of breath. "I raced here as fast as I could, Miss Underhill was most insistent."

Fawn emerged from behind him, beaming at her success. "What do you need me to do now, Riley?"

"Wait with me a while? There may be something for you to do when I've spoken to Pendle."

His light eyebrows flickered up to his hairline. "You do know what I've risked by coming here."

"Yes, and I thank you for it. But I believe our enemies are one and the same, and as High Witch I formally extend to you the protection of our coven."

Pendle considered me thoughtfully. "You look well." The unspoken words rang like an alarm. Considering your grandmother just died. "So, how can I help?"

"I have an idea. I don't know if it will work or not. I'm not sure if it's ever been done."

"I'm all ears."

So I told him my plan, and when I'd finished, Pendle was rubbing his temples. "By the Goddess Riley, you don't do things by halves."

I could see him thinking, calculating if what I'd asked was possible. "But it can be done?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. But the timing will have to be perfect."

"Agreed. What do we need?"

"Well, that's another thing."

Pendle quickly explained not what he needed, but who. Four members of the coven to represent each of the elemental cores, fire, earth, water and air. "In this spell, High Witch, you will act as the Spirit. The earthly connection to the Goddess."

Above ground, Fawn, my core's twin, tracked down all those willing. Mrs Phillips volunteered for her family, and Jack Middleton for his. With only earth needed, it took some persuading for Dr Hastings to even consider being a part. After divulging my plan, and him insisting I'd gone mad, he eventually relented.

Pendle directed each of us to stand on a point of the pentagram painted on the floor. I couldn't explain why, but I felt so much better Fawn was with me. An anchor I didn't know I needed.

An explosion sounded in the world above, shaking the foundations of the Catacombs.

"They're here." The room shook again.

"Then let's begin," I said.

"Okay, Riley. Summon your power."

I called the waves, the sea-air filling my nostrils. Calling forth my power, images of my mother faded but her nonetheless, glimmered in my head. I heard her infectious laughter for the first time in years and saw her brilliant smile.

The lines of the pentagon glowed blue, shimmering lines rising until they reached the curved obsidian ceiling of the Ceremony Room. It reminded me of the luminous gloom of an aquarium.

Through the wall of light, other colours of magic ran along the pentagram lines from each person, red, white, green and more blue from Fawn. Fire, air, earth and water. They fed into my own tower of magic, enhancing and encouraging it to grow and spread. All the elements rushed through my veins, taking over my blood. The heat of the fire raged, wild waves battered a stony shore. I felt tethered to the earth, and all who grew within her, and yet I could soar into the air on invisible wings. Free.

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