Chapter 17

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I dreamt of him, I think. Not that I could remember if I'd dreamed at all, but when I awoke the next morning, I was swaddled in his scent. I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept so well.

My door creaked open, just a few inches at first and then more until the gap was large enough for a head to pop through. Arden huffed out a breath. "Good, you're awake." He came in, closing the door behind him.

I snuggled further down into my duvet, drawing the pillow to me. I was too content to move. "Are you okay? You don't sound okay." My throat was still dry from sleep.

He laid down next to me, staring at the ceiling, long legs crossed one over the other. His hands rested on his chest. "He won't leave her."

"He?" Then it dawned on me who he was talking about. "You mean Toby."

"Did you know he has a girlfriend?"

I chewed my cheek. "I think I knew something about it."

Arden's chest heaved. "Florence or something. She's a witch from a neighbouring coven. Yet he kisses me like he could love me."

I reached out and curled my hand over his. "What happened?"

"We argued. I called him a coward. He said I had no right demanding anything of him and that I couldn't just waltz into the coven and expect him to upturn his life."

"Do you think he's worth it?"


"Being with him, do you think it will be worth it?"

Arden shuddered. "When we're together, I can't imagine ever being happier than I am at that moment. I love how easily he blushes. Just looking at him a certain way makes colour fill his cheeks. My stomach does that weird somersault thing."

I swallowed hard. "There's a reason they say being in love is hard. It's not a secret. Songs, novels and movies have tried to warn us for years."

His head turned to me slowly, his dark hair catching on my pillow. "Are you in love?"

"No." I fired the word from my mouth before I had time to draw breath. "But about Toby, give him time. If you feel that strongly then you'll wait for him, until he's ready. However long it takes."

"What if he's never ready?"

"You'll either give up, or you'll know you did everything you could." I gave his hand a little squeeze.

"I'm happy I found you, Riley Archer."

"I'm happy you found me, Arden Jones."

"I have the urge to kill something," he said, the little flicks at the corner of his mouth elongating. "What do you say we do some demon hunting?"

While Arden showered and dressed, I retrieved the bag I'd taken to Molly Adams'. It lay on its side, contents spilling out across the duvet. I shoved the matches back inside, and smiled as I grabbed the rough spine of the book Rafe had given me, tracing it before allowing it to follow the matches into the bag.

I gave in to his pleas of walking instead of flying by broom and considering what happened last time, I was happier to walk. Rain had continued to fall during the night, leaving us to trudge through muddy puddles which had formed in potholes and dips. The air smelled of damp grass and fresh earth.

"The High Witch asked me if you're seeing someone else," Arden said as Pagnall rooftops appeared in the distance.

I was a little taken aback. "What do you mean?"

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