Chapter 61 (Bonus)

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"Good evening, sir. I'm here to deliver a message regarding the truckloads, Sir. They have arrived in the port safe and unscathed."

"Yes, I see. I'll pass the word to the master." Shun nods his head once more towards one of the gang's lackeys.

He turns his back against him and resumes walking to his destination with a tablet in his hand and never once look back behind him.

When he arrives, he made sure to leave half a meter distance safe between himself and the exit door before him to avoid alerting the hypersensitive sensors and have his head rolling behind him.

He presses his card by the scanner, his face aloof and his lips set on a thin line. When the doors opened before him, he was unexpectedly greeted by the immense strength of wind trying to blow and push him back inside.

He grunts and squints his eyes in half, trying to see through the strong wind as his body naturally crouches, knees bent. It wasn't just a simple passing breeze.

What the . . .

He held the tablet tightly in his hand, afraid that it will slip from his grasp and devils know where it would be brought to. He wouldn't want to re-do all the hard work his team put up to. The heavy silence and the strong influence of disastrous killing intent he long expected to sense when he came in was tarnished.

With his hand gripping the nearest wall beside him for support, he picked his ear with his pinky finger as the rowdiness almost deafened him. His blood pulses lethally inside him trying to figure out the crowd's outburst by the field.

It was chaotic and too dreadful to hear.

"Shu! Can you hear me, over?" He yells to the microphone chip beneath the neckline of his shirt and presses his earpiece further to his right ear.

[Yes, audible and clear, over!] His brother, too, was yelling and he can barely hear him over the uproar.

"What's happening?" He asks as he jogs straight towards the nearest gates, despite almost being cast away by the unknown powerful force of wind on his way and as he was reaching closer and closer to the field, the bewailing voices and murmurs start to get clearer and clearer in every step he takes.


Though barely possible, he managed to reach the edge of the field with his hand clasping against the fence on his side and his mouth gradually fell open and he almost drop the device in his hand.

[The young master . . . He's . . .]

[Gone mad.]

"Gone mad." He, too, muttered.

Their voices were shaking in worry.

Y-Young master!

Surprised, he immediately ducks his body and head down to the ground in alert as well as everyone from his side when a passing object swiftly flew above them with not even its shadow seen on sight, and it was a dangerous close call before they all see it land elsewhere.

That . . . that was a tree?!

"H-Have m-m-mer-cy!"

An ally behind him had his hairless head on the ground as well as the others and the sight of their built bodies shivering like abandoned mittens on the streets was peculiarly odd in many ways, but Shun couldn't blame them as he, too was refraining himself from joining them.

"Kuso!" He curses in a bass whisper, doubting whether his brother could even hear him.

After reading the wind's direction, he courageously ran by the field's sidetracks all the way around to the other side where the rest of the young master's main troops are stationed, "Hurry and summon, Taki!"

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