Chapter 74

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The light commotion soon garnered an excess amount of attention. He and his mother begin to receive hideous gazes and unsightly looks from the rest of the passengers around them, and further misunderstandings about their situation were created.

The crowd's sharp eyes were heavy with judgment as they attack him. It was one that pierces and burns holes right through his head.

It was an awkward and unfamiliar experience for Jin with the usual curiosity and concerned look he received from the people in Hongwon.

He found himself anxiously chewing on his bottom lip and dropping his head further as he hides his pale face behind the fine shreds of his raven black hair. He wanted to make his existence as unnoticeable as possible.

He who was helplessly yanked at the moment by the security guard and his mother who was wailing from the distance, no one from the eyewitness audience stood up nor had the kind heart to help them from the mistreatment they were getting.

And it frightened him how stiff this city's people's standpoint against maltreatment in public.

Their gazes . . . why does it feel so cold and heartless?

His chest starts to hurt and his breathing was becoming heavier and ragged.

And yet no one cared.

He wasn't terrified that he's feeling ill or he'll fall unconscious the next second, nor does he care about the way he's being dragged out oppressively.

He was more scared about the people's absence of humanity inside their eyes that's violently tormenting him from his back and his mother whom he deeply loved was treated unfairly.

"How barren of you to enter and disregard the procedures."

The man hisses in front of him and he can feel the man's livid anger from seeing the veins popping out from the side of the man's neck.

All of the sudden, the area unexplainably succumbs and caves in silence and the person dragging him suddenly halts on his sturdy boots.

A tear unconsciously slipped from the corner of his eyes as his body finally surrenders to feebleness.

The man's grip around him loosens and lets him mercilessly stumble to the cold floor. His knees created a loud and painful thud as they went in contact with the hard and polished material, but before his head comes falling next, something firmly drapes around his chest and caught him on short notice.

A heavy and shivering breath lightly hits the side of his head, and he shudders at its warm feeling as a weak moan escapes from his dry lips.

A familiar mannish fragrance plunges into his nostrils and eventually, his uneasiness quiets down. He can't help but stifle a few silent sobs as he buried his face against the warmest and most cozy feeling he's been longing for, his eyes now refusing to open.

He was exhausted and his upset stomach has nothing more to offer and puke out.

"I'm here."

A gentle voice whispers to him and a large shivering hand holds his pale face with utmost care, though panicking at trying to hush him down from crying.

"Jin-ah . . ."

Everything around him suddenly turns black.



[Yes, it has been affirmed today that the former heir from one of Korea's leading conglomerates, Lee Yunso, has been arrested for the consolidated lawsuit filed against him regarding the dirty business he has been running for years. His records and illegal contracts have been leaked today by his former advisor, who also claimed to be sexually victimized and blackmailed by the former CEO, courageously gave her statement willfully from today's court trial.]

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