The Half Angel- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

~Rhys's POV~

It was hard to keep my temper in check. Who was this girl? My eyebrows were knitted together as I watched her sprint away, snickering. For some reason it infuriated me just as much as it intrigued me. I punched the locker next to hers, letting her run, as I walked out the school's entrance, enjoying the frightened looks on the faces of on-lookers.

Mitch and Shane were lounging around by their cars, talking to two blonde girls.

"Rhys, dude. What took you so long?" Shane asked, completely stoned.

"Shut up." Shane shrugged at me and turned towards the blondes.

"These here girls wanna party with us." Mitch slurred, slapping one on the butt. She giggled but turned and eyed me, biting her lip.

I suddenly felt like playing this game.

"Well hello, I'm Rhys." I smiled at them and one girl blew a bubble with her gum.

"Hi... Rhys. I'm Brittany." She flicked her fake blonde hair and gestured to the other blonde. "That's Amy."

Amy was looking at me with pure lust, peeking up at me through her lashes. I channeled away the frustration of the nameless girl and hopped on my motorcycle.

"Want a ride?" Without hesitation, Amy hopped on behind me, wrapping her arms around me in a death grip, making sure I felt her chest press against my back. Easy.

~Giselle's POV~

I had to stay after class to listen to a private lecture from Mrs. Birks. I now mentally added a one thousand word essay on why tardiness is such a big excuse these days.

As if I knew what she meant.

Jenna ran up to me and squeezed me tight.

"Holy noodles! Ellie did Rhys Estern SERIOUSLY try to kiss you?" She squealed.

"WHAT? No! Are you serious? Who said that?" Jenna blushed.

"Well, James was flirting with me and his best friend Scott came up and told him that someone said that Katia Embers saw you two kissing against your locker during first period as she walked to the bathroom. Is it true? Is that why you were late? Finally, something exciting happens!"

I put my hands on her shoulders and shook her.

"There's no way on earth I'd kiss him. He's a cocky, self-centered, arrogant slimeball with no respect for women!"

"But Ellie, he's GORGEOUS! He's like a god or something." She muttered. I sighed.

"Sometimes Jen... nevermind. No, Jenna, we did not kiss." Her excitement deflated.

"Darn." She took a step back and walked with me to my locker as I rambled on about Mrs. Birks' unfairness.

"Uh, Ellie?"

"I mean one thousand on tardi- what?" I asked, still annoyed.

"You're... uh..." She stuttered, looking at me.

"Just say it, Jen." I sighed.

"You're like.. glowing!" I arched an eyebrow and laughed.

"Oh Jenna. That's a horrible prank!" I laughed. She shook her head.

"Seriously! Go find a mirror, now!" I shook my head at my cute-but-sometimes-strange friend.

"Yo, Haversham! What's up with the weird glowing?" A random guy called out to me. This wasn't as funny anymore.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, confused. I grew self-conscious as I walked down the hall with people pointing and whispering.

"Look at her. She's seriously glowing!"

"Where? No she's- oh, I see it! It's a really faint white glow!"

"All these people are high as kites." Someone muttered. I caught a glimpse of him, with dark brown hair. My heart raced with discomfort and self-consciousness and I began to run, away from the stares and whispers, and collided into something.

"OW! Not again!" I rubbed my forehead, feeling my control snap. My invisabilty was vanishing and I didn't like it.

"Whoa, I'm sorry. Didn't see you... wow." I tried not to turn into a rhinocerous and push everyone out of my way. I looked up to see Julian Hartman's freshly-mowed-grass green eyes, full of curiosity.

"Excuse me," I muttered and elbowed his side to move him out of my way as I fled to the girl's room.

~Rhys's POV~

I tugged my shirt back on and ignored the whiny protests of Brittany. No, wait, she was Amy... right? I decided it didn't particularly matter, and grabbed a soda out of the fridge.

"Oh em gee you're like reeeeeallly good." She gushed. I rolled my eyes. They always said the same thing. I looked at the clock tiredly, happy that the school's lunch bell had just rung. Perfect escape.

"I have to go." I snatched my leather jacket and she adjusted her yellow spaghetti straps.

"Here." She indicated for me to give her my arm with her long nails, sighed at my lack of response, and grabbed my arm. She whipped out a pen from who-knows-where and scribbled her number down on my forearm.

"Call me, 'kay?" She smiled, popping her gum. Just as suddenly, I was tired of this game.

"Don't call me, I'll call you." I gave her my signature smile and she giggled.

"I'd like that." She waved flirtily before flouncing out the door. I left the house and got on my bike, thinking about the frustrating girl I encountered earlier.

*Anyone hate Rhys? Or wondering what's up with Ellie? Comment (:

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