was lost now found

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panther stood up huffing trying to catch her breath from using up her Semblance

"Whats wrong panther you all out of energy now?" Mocked tiger

This pissed off panther majorly she was to be stronger then tiger with ease but here she is catching her breath like an old hag

"Tch it doesn't matter I can still kill you!" Growled panther

With that panther ran at tiger and threw a blow at her but tiger dodged her strike and landed her own to panther right side of her face to which she fell from that

But panther quickly took the chance and swept tiger legs out from under her tiger fallen to the ground rolled away dodging a downward kick from panthr

Tiger threw herself at panther head butting her in the face


"Ah fuck!" Yelled panther

As blood ran from panther nose it seemed tiger broke it with the headbutt to her face

Soon tiger jumped on top of panther and held her down using her Semblance for strength but panther struggled to get free but couldn't

Soon panther started crying?

"What? Why is panther crying?" Thought tiger

"I-i can't lose I need to win!" Cried panther

"Why do you need to win what's so important about winning?" Asked tiger

"You don't understand you have it all!" Cried panther

"Have all of what your not making sense" said tiger

"You parents your girlfriends your Soon to be child I lost all of mine!" Cried panther

"So your jealous is that why you wanted to kill me" Asked tiger

"No! Gorgon promise if I kill you he'll give it all back I want my family back!" Cried panther

"Listen gorgon lied to you he wasn't gonna give them back he wants to rule the multiverse that includes yours!" Yelled tiger

"Your lying your fucking lying!" Yelled panther

Without thinking tiger put her hand on panthers forehead and suddenly all panthers memories shot through her

It was horrifying to say the least

There was panther surrounded by rubble fallen building and flames all around but what horrified tiger the most there was panther crying holding a dead neo in her arms a seeming pregnant neo as well and layed around her was the bodies of everyone else

Slashed,stabbed rip apart or shot they were all dead even mutilated beyond understanding

Jumping away from panther tiger tried to catch her breath from seeing those memories of panther

Panther was doing no better now in a Beatle position crying to herself her cries echoed just the pain she dealt with for many years

That's when tiger understood why she was after her she wasn't after her she was after her life her neo is pregnant she has girlfriends and panther wants hers back

Feeling sadness and pity for panther tiger got up and walked over to panther kneeling next her and putting a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her

"Panther is the whole reason you were after me is to gain what you lost?" Asked tiger

After panther crying went to a quiet sorrow she gave a slow but hard nod to it showing that tiger was right on her thought

"Panther I'm sorry but it doesn't work that way killing me doesn't fill that whole my world isn't yours" said tiger

"B-but gorgon said if I get rid of you I get back what I lost I need them back!" Cried panther

"I know hey I know you want them back but I'm sorry gorgon won't help you he's just using you as a toy to fill his plans" said tiger

"H-how do you know you never even talk to him" said panther

"Because I talked to the one who created him and ripped him of his powers panther the entity" said tiger

"B-but if he didn't have powers how did he give me all THIS power?" Asked panther

"Because your probably not the first US he manipulated into doing this knowing him its probably a chain of domino's after you would've been me so on" answered tiger

"W-wait so these powers I ripped from another us?" Said panther

Suddenly a pain Shot through panther head

"AAAHHH" scream panther

"PANTHER!" Yelled tiger

As tiger held panther she shook and shake as memories were coming to her

-flash back-

As panther held the dead body of her wife and soon to be mother neo she cried beyond compare

"Whats wrong little cat" growled a voice

As panther looked there stood a copy of her this time with a lions tail and a large fluff of brown hair to boot she held red lines throughout her body

Feeling extreme anger at the intruder for killing everyone she loved she Screamed out a monstrous roar and attacked the woman brutally killing her

But soon after when she did a red mist poured out the lion faunus and went straight into the panther faunus

"Heh heh heh a new toy" A voice boomed

As panther stood up her yellow circles and eyes turned a crimson red and her face held a sinister smile

"Whose next" sneered panther

.....to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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