safe route chapter

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Hey guys this the safe chapter route from the lemon route for those who dont like lemons so dont worry if you read one or both itll still lead up to the next chapter like a fork in the road so dont worry you'll wont miss put on much in the lemon chapter as to this one
As the three were leaving the club (y/n) was angry that Roman wouldn't take her and neo on the mission "come on roman I'm old enough and so neo we would be fine" said (y/n) to which neo nodded as well "I said no you girls are still too young and I don't know this adam and so i dont trust him" said Roman walking to the van "come please I promise I'll behave please" said (y/n) giving puppy dog eyes to which neo did as well because if their was one weakness Roman has it puppy dog eyes "err damn eyes ugh fine but if I say your done your done and going home understand" said Roman to which but smiled and jumped for joy at this to which they get in the van and drive off to the meet up point where they meet this "adam" and whatever he wants
--POV switch cinder
As me,emerald and mercury headed back to their mistress salem the two girls were still thinking about that tiger faunus (y/n) "you think she likes bad girls cinder" said emerald to which cinder looked over to emerald "well she is one herself so I can only guess uh yes she does what i want to know if she is a top or bottom" said cinder hoping its bottom because she loves being on top "I can only guess by the way she reacted when you looked at her she most likely a bottom but maybe a switch she seem can top the other girl" said emerald as they headed inside the castle "cinder come here immediately" called salem as the three rushed in to see their mistress and the other three..."you 4 begone I wanna only talk to cinder and emerald" said salem while the boys left leaving only the girls "you wanted us mistress" said cinder looking down as well as emerald "yes it about that white tiger faunus I saw" said salem "oh um her name is (y/n) mistress and yes shes a faunus" said cinder hoping her mistress wont get mad at her for speaking out "(y/n) hub I like that name it suits her very well" said salem looking back through the jellyfish like Grimm "I want her as my beloved so I'm willing to make a compromise with you two" said salem to which both emerald and cinder looked towards eachother and back to salem "what's that mistress" said cinder "I'm willing to share (y/n) with you two if only IF you can get her to be mine as well" said salem "we can do that mistress" said cinder "good see to it and cinder make sure nothing bad happens to her or you will be punished" said salem to which cinder gulped at that getting and leaving with emerald to make sure to keep her promise "hmm (y/n) I really do hope you become mine even with how I look" said salem gazing at the picture of (y/n)
---pov switch (y/n)
As they met up at the spot they were greeted by a man in a mask

"I can only guess your adam" said Roman "yes I am your Roman torchwick right" said adam "yep and these are my two daughters (y/n) and neo" said Roman indicating the two girls to which they both gave a wave with adam not caring about the two expect...

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"I can only guess your adam" said Roman "yes I am your Roman torchwick right" said adam "yep and these are my two daughters (y/n) and neo" said Roman indicating the two girls to which they both gave a wave with adam not caring about the two expect the tiger faunus to which (y/n) found it creepy "well anyways like I said I need your help getting a hold of something" said Adam walking over to a nearby table with the three in toe "what's that my fellow faunus" said Roman "don't call me that you arent a faunus your lucky I didnt kill you on the spot" said adam looking towards roman "yes yes whatever so again what is it that you need" said Roman "it's a mecha designed by atlas military it suppose to be powerful I want it" said adam showing a picture of what it looks like "hmmm very interesting I can do it if its held her in beacon I'm not going into atlas territory that's a death sentence" said roman "dont worry it is in beacon well in couple days it will and I cant blame you I dont go into atlas Ethier so we are in agreement then" said adam looking towards Roman "yep as long as we get payed that is" said Roman looking towards adam "dont worry you'll get payed all right" said adam to which (y/n) like the tone in his voice when he said that "very good then partners it is" said Roman holding out his hand to which adam only looked at him and walked away soon they went home "ok well I gotta plan this heist so I'll talk to you girls later" said Roman walking away "ok seeya roman" said (y/n) as she turned towards neo who were looking off into the distance "hey you ok neo" said (y/n) which neo decided now is the time to tell her "hey (y/n) can I ask you something" signed neo "sure what is it" said (y/n) "not here just....follow me" signed neo grabbing (y/n) arm and pulling her off to who know where so they landed in neo room "ok now I can tell you" signed neo "ok" said (y/n) "listen (y/n) we knew eachother for a long time but when I saw that black hair girl stare at you I got mad jealous even so with that it help me finally gain my courage to tell you" signed neo "tell me what neo" said (y/n) "that I like you and that I liked you for a long time now and I was hoping you'll be my girlfriend (y/n)" signed neo to which neo would be met with a kiss from said crush as (y/n) pulled away she smiled at neo "I would love too neo" said (y/n) to which neo smiled and kissed (y/n) soon that kiss went further into a night of passion between The new couple
Ok here is the safe route alot of words were put into this one but don't worry it's the same as the other but without the lemon part so your not missing out on much anyways like always peace out

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