Food fight and a pissed tiger

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As (y/n) took salem and the group on a tour they showed them around the place like the cafe to the class rooms "ya we have alot of places but ain't really exciting around here" said (y/n) "I excepted nothing less of school though when I was human I went to school and it was boring and most likely still is" said salem "ya can agree with you there" said mercury "so (y/n) what exactly made ozpin pick you to be the next head mistress" said emerald "I'm quite curious as well" said cinder "hm oh ya that it's a basically a long story more over ozpin saw something in me and my skills so he took a chance on me and over time he saw me grow and change into something or someone better and he saw that outta all the kids here that I'll be the best candidate for it" said (y/n) "hmm well ozpin was wise in his choice" said salem "ya sure then again I'm really into all this head mistress stuff but thought why not" said (y/n) "well what happens if you just turn down the position" said cinder "hm dont know he might find someone else" said (y/n) thinking about it "well ever thought about it" said emerald "eh at first but now I'm fine and figured why not" said (y/n) as they were walking and talking they made it outside of the cafeteria again but soon stopped when they heard a noise coming from it so the 5 made it inside only to see

As the fight soon ended everyone of both JNPR and rwby were laughing about the whole fight until they heard a static sound "hm what's that noise" said nora "ya it actually sounds familiar" said yang but soon both teams turn to the door way of the cafeteria only see four random people and someone that made both teams almost shit their pants its (y/n) with a pie in her face as the pie falls from her face (y/n) eyes seen to taken a blue lighting glow to them

As the fight soon ended everyone of both JNPR and rwby were laughing about the whole fight until they heard a static sound "hm what's that noise" said nora "ya it actually sounds familiar" said yang but soon both teams turn to the door way of the ...

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Imagine more lighting streaks in her eyes as well both teams realize that they done fucked up soon a blue little blue lighting streaks were coming around her body as she was shaking in anger "IM GONNA-" yelled (y/n)

-POV switch
"When I get in there I'm gonna give those two teams the worst punishment they can imagine" said glynda as neo walked along side her "like what not for nothing it's not like you can like hurt then you'll go to jail" signed neo "yes well I can give them a months detention and a giant essay" said glynda as they approached the cafeteria doors soon a giant *boom* can be heard followed by a giant flash of blue and all the windows of the cafeteria just shattered as the ground shook both glynda and neo stopped with large eyes soon they looked eachothers in the eyes because they know the only person or more over WOMAN who can do that soon they both rushed inside only to see a huffing pissed (y/n) in front of four unknown people who they guess were the new transfers but what they're attention as they looked past (y/n) they can see both team rwby and JNPR strung up against the wall glynda and neo can only guess what happen seeing (y/n) covered in some type of food or pastry soon (y/n) turns around and storms off from everyone "ya she definitely isnt happy" said glynda looking towards neo but neo ran off to find (y/n) to calm her down before she caused anymore damage but seeing as Cardin head is now straight through the ground I would suggest neo finds her immediately as glynda turns towards the team she pulls them off the wall and In a threatening tone "what happen in here" said glynda which they knew they were done "well you see" said be CONTINUED

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