A freshly bad beginning

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As mr.schnee was beyond angered at the sight of his two daughters being around that THING what made him even more furious was that his OWN DAUGHTER was kissing that THING "HOW DARE YOU" said mr schnee walking up to the little faunus girl and grabbing her by the arm "YOU DARE KISS MY DAUGHTER YOU FILTHY ANIMAL" said mr schnee slapping the little girl to the ground and tears developed in her eyes "I-im sorry Mr schnee I didnt mean for it to happen they said-" said (y/n) but then she was interrupted "I don't want any of your lies you filthy lying animal you should've been grateful I took your miserable life as a faunus into my home and this is how you repay me" said mr schnee as his two daughters just stood there in shock and anger and sadness just to see what their father is doing to a poor little girl it was there fault "But i was swear mr schnee i was only doing what they asked of me" said a tearing shaken (y/n) as the father turned to his daughters in anger "is what this faunus saying is true girls" said mr schnee but the girls can see (y/n) with hope in her eyes that they'll tell the truth and save her but what they did next was what shocked (y/n) the most "n-no father she tricked us into it" said winter looking at her father as well as weiss with her not saying anything "YOU LIEING FILTHY DIGUSTING REVOLTING ANIMAL!" Said mr schnee going and beaten the small child as she cries out in pain wishing for it to stop but it felt like forever before he stopped and when he did (y/n) was covered in cuts and bruises and blood shaken and crying just wanting to go home to her mama's "That'll teach you to terrorize and trick MY daughters into your nasty hands you little animal you should've been lucky and grateful to even be in this house hold" said mrschnee giving once last kick to the child "now you gonna see true pain and labor when you get to my dust companie GUARDS" as mr schnee said this two guards men walked in "yes sir" said guard1 "take this filthy animal to my dust companie shell worked their nicely" said mrschnee "yes sir" said guard1 as the two guards and mr schnee left with a bloody and bruised (y/n) that when both winter and weiss had it set in their minds "IM NOT GONNA BE LIKE FATHER ILL BE BETTER AND SAVE (Y/N)" with that being said they both set out to make their dreams a reality
--(2 year time skip)---
As (y/n) is now of the age of 15 shes been "working" at the schnee company which is a hell everyday she bends over hard at work for what little they provide for them and that's just with out the beatings if they refuse to work but she has set it in her mind to somehow escape and get back to her mothers somehow......CRASH BOOM as the dust in the factory a man a hat with a cain can be seen.

"Hello my fellow faunus my name is Roman torchwick but you all can just call me roman for short and I hear by tell all of you on this very lovely night you all have been hereby BEEN SET FREE HOORAY" said roman as this has been said every faunus wa...

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"Hello my fellow faunus my name is Roman torchwick but you all can just call me roman for short and I hear by tell all of you on this very lovely night you all have been hereby BEEN SET FREE HOORAY" said roman as this has been said every faunus was cheering but (y/n) knew better because why would some random human help out a bunch of lowly faunus like them so as they all run out to freedom and roman stood there and watch with a smile It wasnt until he felt his sleeve get pulled on a little to where he turned and saw a little girl tiger faunus "yes little and what can I can do for you" said Roman kneeling down to leveled with the girl "I dont know who you are but I do know you didnt just break us out outta the kindness of your heart" said (y/n) "hmm smart one well in a way that's true it's the dust that lays in here that I want you see I'm a thief of sorts and I need this dust for some friends of mine and well I figure why not be nice for once" said Roman "so your stealing from the schnees just to make a profit off of it" said (y/n) "very much so yes" said roman as he confirms it (y/n) looks back at the factory and then at Roman "i want in on this" said (y/n) "are you sure a life as a criminal is a risky life" said roman as (y/n) held out her hand for Roman to shake "very well then" they shook hands and that what set (y/n) now on her path as a criminal and her now father figure Roman.

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