untold story

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As the three girls looked at eachother they were shocked to hear someone else with their name "wait were all (y/n)" said (y/n) "it seems we are" said (y/n) "but I got a question" said (y/n) as the other turned towards her they saw she had a pout on her face "why are you taller then me!" Said (y/n) as the other giggled "eh genes I guess" said (y/n) made her counterpart pout even more
"Ok enough all of you for right now" said entity as the three girls turn to her entity gave a glance at all three of them "you three are here for the same reason but different purposes which is highly needed for this mission im about to give you" said entity "wait mission im just a student as beacon" said (y/n) "wait your a student im a full fledged huntress" said (y/n) "hm I run beacon and is highly respected among the other nations as well" said (y/n) that caused the other two to turn to her with really shocked faces "WHAT!!!" Yelled (y/n)s "ok like I said enough listen the mission isn't now but I need to tell you about because its gonna happen soon and you three need to know the objection" said entity "um ok whats the objection" said (y/n) "you see you were all made aware of a being called gorgon that's hes out to take over the multiverse and remake it in his image" said entity as the three (y/n) nodded understanding that "but you don't know why or how it all started you see my two kids here repear and nature" said entity holding a hand to the two beings as the two gave a gesture the (y/n)s "but what they didn't tell you was that gorgon........gorgon is my third child" said entity "wait you want us to kill one of your kids" said (y/n) "gorgon isn't my child anymore i abandoned him long ago for what he did and almost did" said entity "what did he do?" Said (y/n) "hm lets start off on why I created him" said entity
-flash back
"Aaaaand...done!" Said entity as it stepped back to admire its new child and final creation they felt pride in it as it was rather.....monstrous in looks having a large size and gaint arms and several horns sticking outta its head with white pupilless eyes and a gaping mouth holding rows a needle like teeth entity can say they did good getting the point across "hello mother" said nature as the two appeared they stopped in their tracks at the new figure "um mother whats that" said reaper "this is your new sibling" said entity "um why is it like that" said nature "because of its purpose" said entity "what purpose is that mother" said reaper "they make sure every universe is watched over and imperfections are gone" said entity "oh so this is suppose to be like a judge" said nature "thats right sweety they are and they're name us gorgon" said entity "why gorgon" said reaper "don't know thats what came to mind" said entity soon she put some of her power into the creature and it started breathing "mmmm..urrrrrr...ggmmmm" said gorgon as it started to move its head about soon landing on the entity "hello little one im your creator and parent entity" said entity "m-mother?" Said gorgon "thats right well for right now anyways and these two are your siblings reaper and nature" said entity as the creature turn towars the two it analyze them "g-good" said gorgon "yes thats right not imperfections" said entity "hmm very well then" said reaper with that entity set out and guided gorgon in his tasks and what he needed to do but gorgon caught on in no time like the other two
-time skip
As entity was watching over the multiverse they were watching all kinds of time lines being created and they were happy "father i got something to ask" said gorgon "hm yes what is it dear" said entity "these h-humans why are they created" said gorgon "hm well I don't know my child the multiverse just created them" said entity "well I see them as an imperfection can I erase them" said gorgon "what? No you cannot they are needed and wanted gorgon" said entity turning towars theyre child "but they're nothing but mistakes and failures they need to be erased" said gorgon "listen gorgon they're fine every thing starts out bad but they'll grow and learn over time so no you cant" said entity with that gorgon left in a agitated state and for some reason that didn't set will with the entity
-time skip
As entity was checking on a new universe that came to be they suddenly felt a painful jolt run through them "FATHER FATHER" yelled nature as she rushed in reaper followed close behind "hm sweetie whats wrong" said entity running over to the two "father millions of universe's are DEAD just gone" said nature "WHAT!!!" Yelled entity which caused the room and shake as entity turned to reaper for an answer "I-i dont know father i couldn't find any sign of what caused them" said reaper as entity stood there and thought suddenly "gorgon...." said entity as they rushed off to find their child and hopefully end this in its tracks soon they found gorgon as he held a branch in his hand with many dead universe's all entity can feel was dread then unbridled RAGE changing into a form VERY RARELY SEEN and slammed gorgon into the side of the room "why gorgon WHY!!!" roared entity as it sounded as millions of voices screamed out in pure utter anger gorgon could only laugh "they were mistakes so I took care of them you should be proud father" said gorgon chuckling once again entity crushed gorgon in theyre gaint hand soon they took gorgon energy and casted it into the branch he held "this is your punishment for ALL OF ETERNITY.....goodbye gorgon" said entity as they casted the branch to the lowest possible place among the multi-tree
-flash present
"And thats how it all started" said entity which left the three shocked.....to be continued

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