Part 4

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"Jaehyuk I can go on from here, sry for the trouble" asahi felt embarrassed , he never wanted jaehyuk to see this bad part of the life he was living, he thought jaehyuk will be ashamed of him.

"Asahi your hurt, and its midnight , all buses and metros are closed" jaehyuk said.

"Do you pity me jaehyuk?" Asahi asked.

"What" jaehyuk was confused.

"Do you pity me for being in such a messy toxic marriage, that you helped me today , I'm embarrassed , ashamed that you saw that , I don't know how I will ever face you , are you helping me cause you feel sad and pity me" asahi asked.

Jaehyuk was speechless.

"Thanks for today jae,I will find a way" Asahi said tear eyed , when jaehyuk didn't answer back because he was still in shock with what asahi  just said him, Asahi decided  to run away embarrassed.

Jaehyuk was so deep in thought that he didn't see asahi leave.

"Asahi asahi " jaehyuk screamed but when he saw asahi at the exit gate , he ran towards it mindlessly.

He kept on running , screaming asahi's name in the empty street until he saw asahi near the traffic light weeping waiting for the signal to turn green so he could cross the road.

Jaehyuk held asahi's hand gently which suprised asahi "no I don't pity you asahi , your the strongest person I ever met , I just want to heal the wounds that asshole left on you, would you let me heal it, you have survived one hell of a life, how can anyone pity you" jaehyuk asked.

"Jae even if you heal it, the scars will remain"Asahi said.

"It's ok asahi, scars fade away with time,just let me help heal ,them, I want to help you because it's my duty as your best friend not because I pity u, I never pitied you asahi in fact I have always admired you. Let me be there for you , you no longer need to fight it alone , we can fight it together so let me lead ur battle Asahi, that's all i ask for with nothing in return"Jaehyuk asked holding both of asahi's hands gently.

"Jaehyuk what if we lose this battle"asahi asked looking down at their hands.

"Then we lose it together" jaehyuk said interlocking their hands.

Asahi felt a different warmth , it was like their hands were tied like bookends. "Is this my second chance in life with you " asahi thought but he didn't know if he was ready yet especially after everything with Sunhoon.

Jaehyuk saw asahi was in a deep thought "as I said asahi scars need time to fade , we can wait till it fades" .

"What if you get too tired of waiting" asahi asked.

"I can wait till my death, maybe I can even Wait in heaven" Jaehyuk said.

"You still flirt like how you used to before" asahi chucked.

"Atleast it made you smile" jaehyuk said.

"It's too cold, do you have a place to stay" jaehyuk asked.

Asahi didnt say anything he was embarrassed , jaehyuk had already done so much for him, he didn't want to burden him more, in reality he had no where to go.

"I will get a cab jae" asahi lied.

"Liar your left index finger twitches everytime you lie , its ok asahi" jaehyuk said.

"I dont want to be a burden"asahi said.

"Only one person has leaned on my shoulder till this day, and only that person can always lean on my shoulder anytime and that person is you, so you are coming with me no more buts , we have had enough Drama for today" Jaehyuk said not letting go of their intertwined hand pulling him with him to the parking lot of the hotel , scared asahi will run away again and it was quite dark and jaehyuk didn't want asahi to get hurt.

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