Part 7

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Asahi woke up a bit early and wanted to leave the house unnoticed and wanted to walk through the streets of Seoul university , wanting to relook into the memories that he had made  with jaehyuk around here before going back to japan to start a new beginning.

Before leaving he did write a small letter of gratitude to jaehyuk.

My jaejae,
First of all I hope you enjoyed ur trip to Jeju. I hoped it would snow tonight well it didn't...haha,  finally I'm free jaehyuk , I'm free from that asshole who had mentally weakened me all these years to such a extend that I did't have any purpose to live anymore. I'm finally divorced and its all thanks to you. I  want to say I will be thankful for you throughout my life for saving me, for being there when I almost lost all hopes of living a normal life, forgetting I'm a human being with dreams that I once had. Thank you for holding me all those night when I got anxiety attacks and staying with me till dawn and taking care of me, thank you for giving me a roof to live under, food to eat,and the love no one ever did. I will always be thankful for teaching me to stand up for myself , to go out and live again. I guess I have healed jaehyuk and you know your the medicine that healed me. I will always thank god for letting you come back in my life to save me. Because of you I could finally open up with my parents, guess they do love me no matter what. Dad just sent me tickets to fly back home , and I think going back to japan is the best thing for me , to start a new life.

Your like my cherry blossom who came like a beautiful view, gone too soon but made me a better person and changed me, freed me from my inner mental monsters , even though you came back for a short time. Now that the wounds are healed and the scares have faded, I am ready for a new afresh start, keeping my happiness my biggest priority. I will start living for myself,going out there to do what I want to do without any fear of anyone stopping me, living my dream. You gave me a second chance to live, your the reason for my rebirth. I will forever be grateful  for you.

Today I stand independent with a capacity to dream again, work again. You are the reason for that. I am going back to japan Jaehyuk , thinking of  open my small architectural planning company, I'm happy my 1st work was building your cabin.  While working I finally realised what I love to do in life , what to work for, my passion for drawing was the reason I took a degree in architecture . I still remember when you said that I need to become a architect seeing my drawing of houses in high school, thank you for everything. Thank you for teaching me how to live my life again, and live in the present and overcome my past, I guess I was late this time. Maybe I missed my second chance in love. Hyunsuk is a amazing guy, I can never be as good as him, he will definitely make you happy, I myself know I'm not good enough for you. YOu deserve a gentleman and he is one. I wish you both a happy life and don't forget to smile. I  wanted to give you the blueprint myself but guess I will be gone before you comeback , hope jeju treated both of you well , hope you found the love in him that you wanted. Always keep smiling my favourite lawyer. I'm so proud of you , will always be, thanks for being my guardian angel.
Yours' sahi.

Asahi left the house a bit early around 6am even though he had plenty of time , he wanted to wander around the streets where he and jaehyuk had made some beautiful memories, he went to his old neighbourhood where they grew up , remembering the exact place where they met , the place where they had their 1st fight over riding the bicycle, and the place in the center of the neighbourhood  where he and jaehyuk held hands and watched their 1st snow together hearing to "miracles in December", asahi laughed and cried  remembering how jaehyuk kissed him on the cheeks after watching the snow when they were in 6th grade and acted as if nothing happened.

How always jaehyuk would hold his hands even in highschool while coming back home , that's  when asahi understood something ,he had always loved jaehyuk ever since their friendship started to grow, but he was a fool to realise it very late , it was jaehyuk always, but again he was the one who screwed up everything. Asahi saw the clock it was already 8 and the airport was an hour drive from the old neighbourhood , catching a taxi and pulling down it's window, inhaling the  cold winds of Seoul one last time "will it snow today" asahi thought before finally letting it all out ,crying his heart out as the taxi driver asked him if everything was fine . He just nodded as they  arrived at the airport.

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