Part 6

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Asahi used to wake up every night shivering and crying because of the trauma he had been through and jaehyuk would always rush to his room to hold him and put him back to sleep , patting him to sleep. Every night asahi would get night fevers and jaehyuk would always take care of him putting on a hot water towel on his forehead and rubbing his hands until the fever reduced and hugging him and comfort him to sleep telling him it is fine now ,everything is ok.

Every day jaehyuk forced asahi to get out of the house because he knew idle  mind is a devil's work shop so jaehyuk took asahi to work with him, since he was the new director after his dad had stepped down, jaehyuk wanted to renovate his office and asahi was perfect for the job, since he had studied architecture and jaehyuk knew it was the best way for Asahi to divert his mind and heal.

"Sahi do you want to design my new office plan. I will leave it up to you , nobody knows my taste like you do so can you do that for me then." jaehyuk asked as  he wanted asahi to stop living in the past and move on. Before asahi could answer , Jaehyuk had announced that he will be designing his new cabin.

As days passed-by asahi's nightmares started to reduce,  he had started to heal .

Still  jaehyuk would always come over and check on him in the middle of the night before leaving a soft kiss on his forehead whispering him his goodnight and going back to his room, and asahi was now indulged in making the blueprint for jaehyuk's office. "So this is how working for yourself feels like" Asahi though as he was making his new beginnings.

Jaehyuk would always suprise asahi with his favourite flowers, his favourite desserts when ever he got some free time from work, slowly he could see the genuine smile he saw on Asahi's face years ago come back slowly.

Asahi had changed a lot in 2 months.

"Jae I  have decided to tell about everything to my parents all thanks to you. You have given me the strength to do so.I think I'm ready to open up with then" sahi said.

"Really asahi, it means you are healed , it means you are over your past and ready to put it all out,don't wry your parents have always loved you sahi , no matter whatever happens parents will always love their child " Jaehyuk said.

That night Jaehyuk sat next to asahi in his room holding one of his hands tightly asssuring him , giving him the strength to make the conversation. Asahi finally made his call before starting to narrate the whole story about what happened between Sunhoon and him, and how he was in a toxic relationship and how jaehyuk saved him from it and how he will be getting a divorce soon.

Jaehyuk cried along with asahi and his parents that night , his parents felt sry for not protecting their child and thanked jaehyuk for saving him. Jaehyuk kissed Asahi's knuckles as they all cried together.

Asahi was feeling so good after letting it all out before hugging jaehyuk thanking him.

"My heart is healing thanks to your beautiful heart , so many words i want to tell you but i don't know how to tell you" asahi said.

"Words need not to be said sahi, I can already understand you without them" jaehyuk said.

Finally it was the day,  asahi needed to attend the court today to finalise his divorce , and also asahi decided something else too, to open up to jaehyuk now, asahi had realised something . It had always been jaehyuk that his heart wanted Sunhoon was just a small attraction asahi indulged into to deny his love for jaehyuk. All these years it had always been jaehyuk,  he was lucky to have been given a chance to have jaehyuk back in his life, his second chance in love again. Asahi decided to confess to jaehyuk soon before he losses him again.

Early morning jaehyuk  had a urgent meeting to attend in jeju so he left early asking doyoung to step in and go to court with asahi and asahi was accompanied by doyoung to go to court.  Jaehyuk knew Sunhoon was a asshole so he had told yedam to also go with them telling him that he  will be back by evening.

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