Part 8

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There sat a guy about same height and physique as asahi , with a yellow luggage bag. Jaehyuk got more suspicious because he knew that bag, it was asahi's. He had himself bought it with him when he brought asahi home from sunghoon's house.

Jaehyuk slapped himself hard twice to let himself know that he was not dreaming.Jaehyuk got a hold on himself going closer to this yellow bag, until he could hear someone sniffing.

It was the guy sitting like a lost lonely boy at a pole stand at the further end of the airport.

Jaehyuk just pulled up all his courage, taking in deep breaths, to tap on the shoulder of this guy.All jaehyuk hoped for was this to be Asahi. His asahi whom he though he lost again.

The said man suddenly raised his head to turn back to see who it was that had tapped his shoulder now.

Jaehyuk just broke down then and there, unable to stand suddenly dropping down on his knees ,head now pressed onto asahi's lap who was sitting on the pole stand , crying loudly.

Asahi took some time to process everything that was happening right now , was it really jaehyuk , the guy who is the reason asahi couldn't step his foot inside the boarding gates, when the flight staff kept calling his name cause he was the only one who had not boarded the plane. Asahi had just sat near the waiting chair all along acting as if it was not him for whom they were giving a final boarding call.

He just couldn't.His Heart couldn't leave jaehyuk, he came back in his life like a beautiful rainbow during the harsh rain, how can he leave him now when life gave him a second chance of having jaehyuk in his life again.

Asahi just looked down at jaehyuk who was a crying mess not caring about anyone who was staring at them as they passed by, asahi did bend down to place his hand on that of jaehyuk's head crying with him.

"I am sry , I am sry. Sahi pls don't leave me, pls , you got it wrong, I never went to jeju to accept the proposal it was to reject it , because I am in love with you since the day I met you, only to realise it when we both saw the first snow together in middle school. I have only loved you ever since,pls don't leave me asahi. I lost you once I will lose my shit if I lose you again" jaehyuk just stuttered head pressed against asahi's thighs.

Asahi now let go of jaehyuk ,to lift jaehyuk's head, jaehyuk was a mess, his office wear completely ruined. Jaehyuk looked into asahi's watery eyes.

" Pls asahi , sahi pls, pls don't say no I will go crazy if you leave me again pls , pls give me a chance, I swear I will never take you for granted , I will cherish you, I will grow with you and die with you....I" before jaehyuk could say anything, asahi just placed his index finger on his lips to shush him.

"shhh no one is going to die now, see this is what you do ,you make me strong always. Even if I wanted to leave these legs gave up on me , they love you more , I guess my heart loves you more than me so it was rebellious all along, not allowing me to go but I am scared , am I even worth having someone like you, all I gave you was pain all along. Do I even deserve to be loved." Asahi was unable to meet jaehyuk's eyes.

"You deserve all fucking love in this universe, you deserve to be happy , not because you are asahi whom I am fond of because you are a human too asahi. All humans deserve to be happy, and I will show you what real love is, real love is not about being perfect, its about consistency, coming back home everyday to see that one person who will make all your worries disappear, the person who heals you, not let you go no matter how tough it gets,we will take that road asahi, the road to real love.But asahi you need to love yourself more, before you love me, be proud of how far you have come, how you have faced your tears and fears and yet you are still here standing strong, ready to start again. Give me a chance to start this new life of your's with you.I will take care of every scare your heart went through even though I can't wipe it off entirely I will make it less painful, let me be your bandaid." Jaehyuk said asking for a chance to love this only man his heart had always loved and was not ready to give up on because after all these years it's still Asahi , it's always Asahi.

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