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A la mode, in fashion

A priori, theoretical

Ab imo pectore, sincerely

Abaft, towards the stern of a boat/ship

Abject, something bad that present to the maximum; obsequious

Abnegation, rejecting something; austerity

Acerbic, (Archaic) Acidic/sour/bitter

Achromatic, colorless

Aconite, a poisonous flower; poison made from aconite

Acquiescent, prepared to permit something

Acrimony, resentment

Ad fin, near/at the end

Ad hoc, when needed; impromptu

Ad hominem, an attack against a person instead of their position

Ad infinitum, forever

Ad libitum, as much as desired

Ad nauseam, when something has been done so often that people are sick of it

Ad valorem, proportionately

Admonish, (Archaic) Warn

Adonis, a handsome man who was the lover of Aphrodite in Greek mythology; any extremely handsome man

Aegis, the protection/support of something

Aeolian harp, an instrument that makes music from the wind

Aeolian, relating to wind

Aeolus, The Greek god of wind

Aeon, another spelling for eon

Aerolite, a meteorite made of silicates

Aeronautical, relating to aeronautics, the science of building and operating aircraft

Aestival, relating to/occurring in summer

Affable, good natured, friendly

Agaric, a type of mushroom with a red cap

Ague, (Archaic) An illness where people have fever and chills

Aide de camp, an assistant to a high-ranking military officer

Aigrette, a headdress made of feathers

Ailanthus, the tree of heaven

Albatross, a type of seabird

Albumen, egg whites

Alexandrine, used to describe a poem with six iambic feet

Alighted, a bird descending from the air; descending from a form of transportation

Alma mater, The school/college/university one used to attend

Almanac, a calendar that lists events and weather forecast for the year

Alpine, relating to mountains

Alpinist, someone who climbs mountains

Alto relievo, a sculpture in high relief

Amain, (Archaic) with great strength or speed

Amanuensis, a scribe

Amaranth, a type of plant; the rosy, pinkish purple color of amaranth

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