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Quagmire, a bad situation; a bog

Quean, (Archaic) a shrew; a prostitute

Qui vive, lookout

Quicksilver, mercury

Quid pro quo, an exchange

Quiddity, the thing that makes something what it is

Quixotic, unrealistic and idealistic

Quoit, a ring used in a throwing game; (Archaic) to throw

Quondam, former

Raiment, (Archaic) clothes

Raison d'être, the reason for something's existence

Rapacious, greedy and predatory

Rapine, the forceful taking of someone's property

Rapprochement, reconciliation, especially between two nations

Rara Avis, a rarity

Ratsbane, (Archaic) rat poison

Raven, (Archaic) to hunt; to ravage and devour

Recherché, elegant, refined, exotic, and rare

Redbreast, a robin

Redingote, a man's coat worn in the 18th and 19th centuries; a woman's long coat

Redolent, suggestive of; scented with/smelling of; (Archaic) sweet smelling

Regalia, the full dress of formal or traditional ceremonies

Regatta, a boat race event

Relegate, to downgrade

Relume, to relight

Reverie, a daydream; an unrealistic idea

Rhabdomancy, divination using wands, staffs, or sticks

Ribaldry, course, indelicate, or salacious behavior

Rigmarole, a long speech or rant

Rivulet, a small stream

Roseate, rose-colored; idealistic

Roseate, the color of a rose; optimistic

Rostrum, a platform

Rote, the mechanical repetition of something in order to memorize it

Roughcast, unrefined, of a person

Rove, to drift or wander

Ruellia, a petunia

Rus in urbe, a country in the city, or a country-like park or garden in the city

Ruth, pity/compassion

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