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La vie en rose, life in pink, optimistic

Labial, relating to lips

Labyrinthine, intricate; maze-like

Lachrymatory, relating to tears; a vial to catch tears

Lachrymose, tearful; causing tears

Laconic, concise, usually of speech or writing

Lady bountiful, a highly generous or charitable woman, who does it in an ostentatious manner

Laissez faire, an attitude of non-interference

Lamina, a thin sheet of layer of something

Lammas, August 1st

Languor, a pleasant idleness; lethargy

Lapidary, someone who works to prepare precious jewels and stones

Lapis lazuli, a deep blue precious stone; a deep blue color

Lascivious, lewd

Lassitude, lethargy

Latitudinarian, allowing liberties in adherence to religious practices

Latten, a metal resembling brass

Laurel, a type of plant; to honor and award because of an achievement or triumph

Lavation, the act of washing

Lazar, (Archaic) a diseased pauper

Lazaretto, a house for the sick and contagious

Legatee, an heir to a legacy

Legerdemain, deceit

Lenity, kind and mellow

Leonine, relating to or resembling lions

Lethe, oblivion

Levee, (Archaic) a formal reception

Leveret, a hare under one-years-old

Levity, frivolity on a serious matter

Lex talionis, the law of eye for eye punishment

Lexicon, a dictionary

Libation, a drink offered as a tribute to a god

Libelous, defamatory

Licentious, debauched

Liege, a lord/sovereign

Ligature, something that is used to bind

Ligneous, of wood

Limner, an artist/painter

Limpid, clear, transparent

Liniment, a liquid used to soothe

Lipothymy, faintness

Litany, a repetition of statements

Livery, a uniform

Lixiviate, to separate the components of a mixture

Loath, reluctant

Locus classicus, a passage regarded as the best on a subject

Loquacious, talkative

Lord of Misrule, a person appointed to watch over Christmas games

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