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Waldeinsamkeit, the feeling of solitude in the forest

Wallflower, a type of plan with bright flowers; someone who is excluded at a party

Wanderlust, the impulse or aspiration to travel

Water, the brilliance of a diamond, hence the expression 'diamond of the first water'

Welkin, the sky; the heavens

Weltschmerz, the feeling of sadness and being tired of the world

Wild blue yonder, the sky as a faraway place

Wiseacre, a person who is a smart-mouthed know-it-all

Withe, the branch of a willow, used for crafting

Wizened, wrinkled

Wroth, enraged

Xanthic, yellow; yellowish

Xanthippe, a shrew or ill-tempered woman; Socrates' wife

Xebec, a type of Mediterranean ship

Xiphias, swordfish

Yeoman, a type of servant in a high-ranking household

Yonder, (Archaic) those; that; over there

Zaffre, impure cobalt oxide, the deep blue color of zaffre

Zamindar, a landowner in Indian history

Zany, eccentric

Zelig, a person who can change their behavior or appearance to suit whatever situation they're in

Zelkova, a type of tree native to Asia

Zend Avesta, the holy texts of Zoroastrianism

Zephyr, a light breeze; a light garment

Zetetic, (Rare) proceeding by inquiry

Zircon, a type of gem

Zodiacal light, a triangular glow in the night sky that occurs before the sun rises and after it sets

Zoilus, a Greek philosopher; a bitter critic

Zori, a Japanese type of traditional sandal

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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