Chapter 1: A New Way

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I fixed up some grammar and made some more things make sense.
⚠️ A little cussing and gore⚠️

Meri's POV:

It was a beautiful morning when I woke up. I looked at the clock to see it was 5 am. Oh. I slowly got up and let my paws drop on the ground as I steadied myself from a good sleep. I looked out the window to see all the hybrids. Yes, hybrids. You see, about 50 or so years ago two kingdoms became the first to ever unite via marriage. They were the Ice Kingdom and the Fire Kingdom. I still miss the old Queen and King but time goes on while I still look like a short 25 year old. Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot to mention, I'm about 300 years old. The past deputy was my father, Ame. It kinda sucks being one of the 4 children that's stayed in the Kingdom territories. There use to be 7 of us you can tell I haven't seen them in 253 years. It kinda sucks.

"MERRRI! You'rrre needed in King Splinterrrs thrrrone rrroom!" Said a Russian accent. I snapped out of my thoughts and left the room. I was met with a tall and muscular vixen with snow-white fur. "So Sia, why does he need us?" I watched as the Russians face slightly twister in different emotions. "I'm not rrreally surrre." She said, rolling her 'r's. I kinda panicked at that response. Usually Splinter gives a reason for calling us! Me and Sia walked into the throne room, it's white marble floors and pinkish- white pillars glistened in the sunlight. "Hello ladies, I suppose you are curious know what your doing here, no?" He said, his voice a mixture of a Mexican and Russian accent. Me and Sia respectfully bowed down before responding with polite nods. Splinters gave us nervous looks before speaking. "There have been many sightings of the foxes that belong in the forest of forever darkness." I stiffened as he said that, everyone knew that when they showed up they ment no good. Sia and I looked wat the young king, looking for the slightest glint of doubt, but we found non.

"Now, I plan on keeping them out so could you two find the strongest soldiers and chase them off?" He looked at us with his yellow eyes as we both nodded and trotted off to the soldiers quarters. We asked for our strongest soldiers and in minutes a couple soldiers came over. "Where's snowflake?" Asked Cinder, one of the soldiers. "Right here!" Said the new recruit as he dragged glacier over. "That's Glacier, where's Snowflake?" We all jumped as he deep voice spoke from behind the kid. "Herrree" Snowflake patted over to us and bowed respectfully. " Sorrrry I am late." Snowflake said as he got back to his normal height. He was quite tall and well built.

We all had left a couple hours ago, exploring the vast territory we had. I heard rustling in the trees and quietly leaped up to see what was going on. I saw the shape of a clock hanging from somethings tail and knew exactly who it was, Hypnosis. He was a real pain in the ass to deal with. I internally groaned as I leaped silently through the trees after him. I caught him talking to his sister, Phsyco, and listened in. "So Hypnosis, what did the boss say?" Physco asked, her black and white fur kinda bristled as she spoke. "He said to try and track the tribes, maybe even end them for good." What? But everyone knows the tribes left because they were driven out. "Really?" Phsyco looked confused. "Yeah, said his old crew didn't kill them, so we get the honors of doing so!" Hypnosis looked quite pleased. " And how are we going to find tribes that have been missing for over 250 years now?" Phsyco asked, bitterness in her voice. " Well, we force it out the pipsqueak Meri! She was related to them and had a good bond this them. Maybe she knows." Hypnosis had a sinister smirk on his face. I couldn't move, to caught up in old memories she wanted to forget. I quickly snapped out of it and pounced at the sister of the two. She let out a furious screech as she tried to claw and bite at my paws. I felt a sharp pain in my leg followed by a yelowish-red liquid dripping from the wound. I turned around and slashed at the attacker.

The soldiers finally found us and soon helped me chase them off. " He will draw your blood, Firefur!" Hypnosis screeched at me before quickly running away. I was left there to question what he said, I mean, what in the world did he mean? I thought about it the whole way to the kingdom gates. Sia came up to me, concern on her face. "You should get that bite looked at, it might get infected." I looked at my tail, seeing a trail of blood splotches following it. I quickly nodded and went to Rica and Rus, our healers. "Dumb ass, how many times do I have to tell you to stay out of fights?!" Rus scolded. I watched as Rica placed some singed honey spread in my bite mark. This was going to be a long night.


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Thank you for reading the first chapter of this book! Sorry it's a little short but be and some family are going to a movie in a bit so it's kinda rushed. Anyways have a lovely time of day!

-Fox Nation

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