Chapter 11: Who is that???

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No body's POV:

Sia and King Splinter had now been dragged for about 20 minutes now, Sia passing out of exhaustion and injuries. Splinter just sat there as these three strangers dragged them through the forest, occasionally getting bothered by the moth looking fox with a question or something. Splinter was about to fall asleep when they obruptly stopped. The group stood infront of a tunnel, the inside looking muddy and worn. It looked as if it had been carved out of many generations of smoothing it out, creating a sturdy yet comfortable tube of mud. Splinter was quite confused, I mean, who wouldn't after basically being kidnapped and then being brought to a mud tunnel?

Splinter looked at Chlorine for an explanation. "Prepare yourselves for a ride" was all she said before throwing Splinter and Sia down the mud tunnel. "AAAAHHHH" Splinter screeched, hearing giggles and woops from behind him. The tunnel turned left, then right, then went straight. Splinter could see light coming up ahead, and before he knew it we sat in a mud puddle with an unconscious Sia and a group of three giggling foxes. Splinter looked around to see a whole entire camp of some sort. The camp seemed to be under a small cliff, no taller than 40 feet. The camp that thrived below buzzed with citizens of this camp. Splinter and Sias presents made the whole camp become silent, a couple whispers being audible from the crowd. Chlorine proudly marched up to the people of the camp with a wide grin. "We return with two new comers! We would like to know where Madam Poison is!" She said with her head held high. Splinters eyes lit up at the mention of the mysterious vixen, they were finally going to see who they were looking for. Before long they were being dragged again to the gods know where. They soon reached a intricate shelter.

The sides were made of a odd purplish wood, the roof was made of a beautiful type of white wood, giving it a beauteous look. Chlorine and the mother fox stopped infrom of the beauteous shelter before looking at each other. "Mothmia, you know what to do" Said Chlorine as she pulled out a odd piece of bark that had writing on it. Splinter watched as the two dragged them over to the entrance of the shelter, which was a white mesh sheet with white, black, and purple bead strings behind it. The four stood for a moment before a tall, slender, and strong looking blurtit stood at the entrance.

He was a simular brown to Mothmia but with a green tint to it. His eyes were a sharp shade of brown, giving a glare to the two infront of him. His ears were slim and sharply pointed, along with his muzzle. "Почему вы пришли в пространство лидеров? (Why have you come to the leaders place?)" Asked the blurtit, his brown eyes scanning the two foxes infront of him. "Расслабьтесь Манти! Мы просто пришли поговорить с мадам Яд об этих чужаках! (Relax Manti! We simply come to speak to Madam Poison about these outsiders!)" Said Chlorine as she pointed to the unconscious russian and confused hybrid. The blurtit put his paw out, to which the two gave him the bark chips. The blurtit seemed to scan them before moving aside, letting the group in.

The inside of the shelter was quite dark, but was illuminated by the candles on the tables around the shelter. The walls were decorated with a dark shade of Ebony, the occasional flecks of purple or white presenting themselves. Near the back wall sat a cloaked figure. Chlorine and Mothmia bowed their heads in respect before placing Splinter and Sia between them. The cloaked figure stood up, standing at a good 4'4 feet, which was short compared to Splinters 4'9 or Sias shocking 5'3. The cloaked figure whore a black cloak, a ushanka that looked worn sitting proudly on their head.

The figure looked at the two, their sharp glowing green eye scanning them over before the figure spoke. "Wake the Russian girl.

Sias POV:

I was peacefully dreaming, laying with Meri on our favorite spot in the forest. Her soft green eye shone with beauty as we gazed at the stars. She looked at me with her soft green eye, my amber ones returning the look of love, but right as we were about about to kiss I felt a jabbing pain in my thigh, awaking me from my great dream. I frowned and groaned as I opened my eyes. We were in a dark room with Chlorine, moth kid, and the lady herself, Madam Poison. "Now then, would you mind d explaining why you are here?" Asked the vixen, her eyes were glaring at is like sharp green thorns. Splinter was the first too speak, as I was still dazed and confused. "We came to ask you to leave the states be!" Splinter said, earning a glare from a odd green blurtit close by, his antenna and ears slightly twitching.

Madam Poison glared at Splinter for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Well, for your information I was teaching the states how to defend themselves when they're in a rough situation. I thought it would be nice for them to defend themselves in a way that tests their minds as well." Madam Poison said as she sat up into a sitting position. I finally realized that she was quite short, only about 4'4. I could easily take her down if I hold her down or wack her with my tail spikes, that is, if it wasn't for the cuffs that kept us from moving.

Madam Poison studied us for a little longer before her eye showed a confused emotion that changed to a shocked one. "Sia?! Why I didn't think I'd ever see you again!" She said as she came up to me and grabbed my face, examining it. "You look as much older! Why I remember when you had patches of your purple baby hairs still clinging to your pelt!" She said as her eye glowed with joy. I sat there utterly confused, had she seen me before leaving the kingdoms? She soon let go of my face and looked at the two guards by the door. "Well now Manti and Misqui, do you mind making some sweet pork for our guest? If they have come this far they must need something more then a chat!" She said as the two guards nodded. The one called Misqui left the shelter for a little bit before coming back with two bowls.

I looked into the bowls to see chopped up pork coated in sweet and tangy spices. The pork itself was places in a sweet smelling liquid. Madam Poison smiled before looking to one of her guards. "Well? How do you expect them to eat if they're still cuffed up?" She said as her tail lashed behind her. The guard Manti nodded before quickly removing the cuffs from out paws. Splinter took no time eating the 'sweet pork' dish. I on the other hand saw it as odd, why would she switch from mean and hostile to a kind and hospitality type act? I sniffed the dish, slowly taking a bite of one of the pork pieces. It was quite good! I started shoving it in my face, quite hungry. "Now that your comfortable, may we discuss why you have come here?" Asked Madam Poison.

Splinter raised his head from his dish. " Well, we honestly wanted take sure that the states weren't in any danger. I mean, we thought you were using them against us or something." Splinter said, a twinge of guilt flashing in his yellow eyes. "I mean, I can see where you two are coming from. A weird lady and her brother who you don't even know training trainees in secret behind your backs is quite worrying" she said as shifted her Wright from paw to paw.

Splinter nodded in response before asking a question I as well had. " do you know Sia?" Splinter and I watched as her one green eye seemed to have flashes of panic. "Well, I use to hang around her when she was a pup. The past tribe leader was quite close with her, so we saw her often" Madam Poison said as her ears slightly pointing diagonally back. Me and Splinter looked at each other, her behavior quite fishy. We were going to press on when a slightly shorter cloaked figure came rushing in. "SIS! SIS! THERES A STRANGE FOX THING THAT FLEW IN THE CAMP!" He squeaked. Madam Poison quickly followed the panicked fello, me and Splinter in suit.

There, in the middle of the field, was my trainee, Midnight Vogel. The Russian -German- Polish girl. She seemed panicked, as her platinum white and Ebony black striped fur was ruffled and her rose gold circle glasses sideways on her face. She immediately knoticed me in the crowd because of my height and came rushing over. The crowd, still quite shocked and scared, moved out her way.

"Sia! You and King Splinted must return to the kingdoms! A war as been called on the kingdom of Fire and Ice!" She squeaked, her German accent thicker then usual. "What do you mean there's a war against our kingdom?!" I asked, still trying to process this information. "He calls himself The Dark Sun! He said he has a bone to pick with Meri!" She said in the same squeaky voice. "That sounds familiar.." Madam Poison said from beside me. "What do you mean?" Splinter asked, his eye brows coming together in concern. "I remember someone who use to call themselves that when the tribes were in the kingdoms..." she said, her eyes burning a hole into the ground with her intense stare as a memory played in her head.

She turned to us, her green eye clouding with fear and concerns.

"The tribes are coming with you!" She announced.


1677 words!!

Thank you for reading this far into my garbage book of cringe -v-

Now, for a question because why not?

Why do you think Madam Poison seemed panicked and fearful at the mention of 'The Dark Sun'??

If you would like me to draw any characters from the book please to tell me! Until next time my dear readers!

- Fox Nation

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