Back In Mind

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~Chapter One~

Voldemort had just killed the red headed Lady Potter and was lording over her dead body before he was going to aim for the baby. Although, when he did look up at the child, he froze.
Green eyes calmly stared at his own Red eyes and it seemed like his entire life flashed before his eyes before he collapsed to his knees before the child's crib. He shed the parsel glamour of the snake man that he normally wore when on missions just so that his fresh falling tears didn't feel weird on false skin.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He cried, repeating himself as he came closer to the crib and reached his hands through the bars to hold some part of the jade eyed toddler. Little Harry just grinned gummily and scooted closer so he could put his chubby hands into the healthily pale hands of the red eyed man.
"I shouldn't have done that. Not to my mate. No, not to you. You're too perfect for that." Voldemort cried. Is he still Voldemort if he's shed that form of himself just for this small mate of his?

"You can call me Tom, little gem. Please. I'm never going to be the Dark Lord to you." Tom Riddle Jr., the man behind the snake, said to his little mate. He knew his mate wouldn't talk for a while now but he still wanted Harry to know.
"Tom!" Chirped his extraordinary mate who let go of Tom's hands before lifting his arms and grumbling baby noises to be picked up. It made Tom chuckle as he removed his hands from the bars, stood up, tossed his Voldemort robe off his body and away from him, before finally picking his impatient mate up.

"You're such a special little gem, aren't you? Dumbledore always told me when we did the experiment back when I was in school that the extreme reaction the spell had and the pain I was in means that my mate was dead. But here you are! So precious~" Tom eskimo kissed his little gem of a mate, glad to have both him alive and his sanity back.
Harry giggled back, tugging a little at Tom's hair before he crinkled his tiny nose when a new magical signature entered the house. He patted Tom's face a little roughly in his toddler urgency and wiggled to be put back in his crib.

"Hide. Tom." Harry squeaked, narrowing his big green eyes at the open and damaged door, waiting for the newcomer to show up. Tom was startled by Harry's quick change but took the orders his mate told. He quickly turned into his animagus after carefully but promptly putting Harry into the crib. Tom was a rather venomous snake but the albino coloring and the small size made it hard to tell which snake he could be.
The versatility of his thin, noodle like body enabled Tom to quickly twirl up the leg of the crib and dart over to Harry to curl up in the blanket with his mate. He smelled the air with his tongue and questioned the smell of dog. However, the question was answered when a Grim bounded up the stairs making rather interesting crying noises before the dog twisted itself back into the human it was originally.

"Pa'foo!!" Harry squealed immediately, laying one hand on where Tom hid and reaching the other out towards his godfather. Said godfather looked utterly distraught as he checked Lily's nonexistent pulse, tears looking almost like a Waterfall cascade as they streamed down his face. At Harry's shout, however, it seemed to drag the Gryffindor Black's thoughts out of complete despair.
"Harry! Oh Prongslet! I thought that evil man had killed you too! Oh buddy!" Sirius quickly made his way to his godson and lifted the child up, nuzzling his nephew's face like the dog he is.

"Tom no evil!" Harry squeaked in anger, whacking Sirius in the face was a chubby hand. Siri blinked for just a second, and then noticed the snake that seemed nervous as it kept itself from falling out of the air by being carefully twisted around Harry's legs and stomach. He narrowed his eyes at it.
"Does Tom happen to be your new snake, Harry?" He gruffed, glaring at the scaly white thing. Harry squealed and harshly tugged on a stand of Sirius's long hair, causing the dog man to wince.

"My Tom! Tom no Voldy an'more! No evil an'more!" Harry screamed out, bursting into angry tears and flailing all his limbs about. Tom the snake shot himself off of Harry's legs before he could get hurt and quickly transformed back into human in his panic to calm his mate. He quickly took Harry from a startled and shocked stiff Sirius before immediately trying to calm his little gem.
"Sh! Sh! He understands, Harry! You don't need to scream! I'm right here! I'm not evil anymore. I'm not Voldemort anymore. You're right, you're right. No one doubts you. Calm down Harry. Please, my little gem, calm down." Tom attempted to sooth, looking very out of his depth but trying so hard for his mate.

"Please my little mate. Please." Tom whimpered, ready to burst into tears himself just from being unable to understand fully how emotions work and suddenly having them all, as well as seeing his own poor mate cry.
"Toooom!" Harry cried, going from angry to sad upon hearing his older mate whimper. Tears still streamed down his chubby face but now he was reaching out and cuddling his Tom's chest. Actually, now they were both crying and it made Sirius so utterly uncomfortable. The dogfather could barely handle when either Lily or Harry cried and now apparently the newly sane dark lord was crying with his Godson.

"Um, w-why don't we all calm down now? There, uh, doesn't need to be anymore tears. The problem is all fixed." Sirius tried to pathetically soothe, shifting from one foot to the other and keeping his silver eyes off the really really strange duo. Tom sniffled as he wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his silk button up shirt. He thinks they're rather comfy but he likes sweaters and cotton turtlenecks too.
"Sorry. That's very unprofessional of a dark lord." Tom wimply chuckled, trying to lift the mood. He gave a sigh when Sirius just blinked at him and he laid his chin on the fluffy head of hair that was bestowed upon his mate. Said mate had fallen asleep curled up against Tom's chest in the comfy hold of lithe arms. The spot on Tom's shirt was wet but at least Harry wasn't crying anymore.

"So you really are the dark lord?" Sirius asked, worried for his pup. He took a few steps towards Tom and Harry, but slow as to not startle. Tom didn't see it that was, though, and took a few fearful steps back.
"Yes but please don't take Harry away. This is the first time I've actually been sane since I can remember and I can only actually remember my childhood up until my third Horcrux. That's probably a good 40 years of insanity, if my vague math on generations is correct. You're, what, 21-ish and the son of Orion? Holy Morgana! Last I remember seeing you was when you were a tiny baby! You're Sirius Orion Black the Third, aren't you!?" Tom seemed to stumble when he startled himself with how utterly long its been since he could remember anything. It immediately set him into a panic.

"Oh my Salazar, what have I been doing these last decades?! I haven't ruined my goals, have I?! Ohhhhh, Minnie was right! That was such a terrible idea!" Tom seemed to panic himself into tears and unstable breathing. Such unstableness caused Sirius to quickly step over and guide Tom to sit on the floor so he didn't faint.
"Hey, hey! You can fix whatever mess you've ended up in! I'll even help! You'll need to go and retrieve all of your horcruxes so you can fix up your soul, because the soul bond with Harry won't work correctly without a whole soul, but I can definitely help with anything else. I can open up Grimmauld place for you so that we can both stick around with Harry." Sirius tried to soothe. It worked enough as Tom had calmed, although he was breathing heavily.

"Yeah... That's a good idea. Why, um, why don't we go there now? I'd rather not be around Dumbledore if he shows up. He was kind of an asshole while I grew up. And Grimmauld Place is still a Black property? I'd really thought they would have gotten rid of a place that's surrounded by muggle stuff." Tom snorted before grinning, letting himself be helped back to his feet and shifting a still sleeping Harry in his arms. Sirius grinned back.
"Nah, it's the best place to hide. No one would think a muggle hating family would live around muggles, much less surrounded by them. Sucks that Dumbledore was so bad towards you. What did he do?" Sirius laughed, grinning as he helped Tom out of the house. He waved off every apology Tom gave as they passed the dead bodies of Sirius's closest friends with a reply of "You were literally insane and could not remember anything. I'm just glad you don't look a day over 25 and that you're in control finally."

A/N 1581 words. This one was random but I'm really liking it. Yes, the dead Potters are actually going to get funerals. Sirius isn't dismissing their very existence. He's just trying to take care of a very new to emotions dark lord and said dark lord's soulmate that also happens to be his godson.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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