1. Best Friends

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Steve POV.

Today I am going to propose her. I am waiting for this day like for eternity. In my way it's feels like never comeing.

I chose today cause it's her birthday. I want to make it special for her. But there is a problem she is probably not alone and obviously with her friends. I don't know how I got the chance to tell how I feel for her. So I got into my car and going to the where she through the party I booked a table in terrace in the party hall.

There I am wearing a black tux everyone is dancing, drinking and making out in corner.

I spot her she is talking with a girl. I go to there said her that I want to talk to her. She is always polite, sweet and kind type of girl I know she doesn't say no but I still feel the nervousness in my stomach.

I take her to the terrace I ordered her favourite food. I give her the present i bought for her it was a bracelet made with diamonds platinum.
She didn't open it. In this school they don't know who I really am except for one person.

* Steve why are you taking me to here.* She asked directly.

* Actually I want to tell you something. That... I.. I.. really liiikee yoou.* I said and by passing the second I feel like my blood freezing.

She Lough then she saw my face and stopped.
* Steve are you sure of what are you saying. I thought you know me well that I didn't date's guys like you. You are so shy nervous you are handsome but you are not that kind of guy I date. I want to date guy who is cool not shy who will flirt with me. I am sorry Steve you are a good guy you will have the person who loves you as who you are.* She said in her voice I can sence the sympathy and kindness. But my heart was shattered into million pieces. I feel like I hold my breath for eternity.

* Steve Steve are you okay.* She asked cut me off my thoughts.

* Yeah.* I pay the bill and get out of the terrace and get into my car tears fall from my eyes. I feel like I can't take this any more.

I have only one person who can comfort me right now. So I wash my face wipe the water with tissue and started the car to the place.

I nock the door and after three minutes she appeare. Sh saw me and smile at me but when she saw my face she immediately know something is happen to me.

She is my best friend till like when we are 5 years old and now we are 18. She is popular and charming and everything you can imagine but for me she is girl who knows my all secrets, the girl I want everytime with me, having her in my life was the best thing. I am the most luckiest Person in this world and she is none other than the Natasha Romonoff.

She take my hands and sat me on the couch and
*Steve she said no right?* When ever she saw my face she immediately know what happened, I just tell her the details.

*Yes.* I said I was looking at the floor.

* Okay tell me what happened in details.* She ordered. I said all things she said to me.

* Ohh she said she didn't date's guys like you hanh let's make you the guy she can't have.* She said with a smirk and attitude that gives me chill to my spine.

*What are you planning to do.* I asked with fear, I know her so well. She is definitely planning to give her a lesson.

*You will see, are you hungry.* She asked i just nod.she ordered my favourite pizza and we watch a movie in piece. I know when ever she was that calm she was thinking about something big and it's always surprise for me.

In the silence we fall in sleep on the couch.

Natasha's POV.

I am peace off at me I should not leave him alone and how could she said that Steve was not eligible for her. Steve was kind of guy everyone want to date and yes I am also one of them but I don't think that Steve will love me as I do but the problem what should I change about him, I know their was nothing can change and I love as he was. I can't change his prospective, nature and behaviour and he is already so handsome he got uper 6 ft tall, blonde hair, ocean blue eyes "ohh that damn eyes" muscles, abs , figure and everything if I describe him in one sentence is a dog heart into a Greek God body. But his dressing sense about fashion he never give it a shoot. He always wear a simple t shirt and jeans although he looks sexy on them.

I wake him up and when he open his eyes i said
* Steve wake up here is your coffee and your favourite chocolate chip pancake.*

When I started to leave he grab my hand make me sit by his side and he started what he want to said * nat thanks. Thanks for always be there for me, thanks for taking care of me.* Tear in my eyes want pour and he cupped my face in his big hands wipe the tear with the thumb.

* Nat you know tomorrow was a special day for me. Tomorrow I understand what is real love. I feel what is Love. Love is not that thing did change you, love except you as who you are who always with you in your worst, not only in your wealth. And tomorrow I feel that kind thing for someone. And l also want thanks to Peggy if she didn't reject me I never can feel the love. The person is you nat I really feel the love for you.* He stopped and I was in shock, words tug into my throat, I don't breath any more.

*Nat if you want to say no then say get out of here don't beat me it's really painful and one more thing please don't stop being my best friend.* He said and I can't take this any more. It's feels like every emotion took over me and I can't think what should I do so I cupped his face and kiss him in this kiss we poured our love for each other.

* I don't like you, I love you Steve. I love you you don't know how many years, I am waiting for you to feel my love and you slowpoke.* I said in mocking tone.

*I love you too. I am sorry about that.* He said and I can see the love in his eyes.

After we finished our breakfast. I told him to get ready.

* Where are we going.* He asked.

* You will see.* I said with a smirk.

After some time.

We get into the school and everyone looking at us. We are holding hands look at each other and smile. His smile I love his smile.

We are leaving the corridor everyone and Peggy also looking at us especially Steve with aww eyes. She will definitely regret to say no to him. Haha but thanks Peggy if didn't reject him I never got the love of my life.

 Haha but thanks Peggy if didn't reject him I never got the love of my life

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After 5 years.

In our fifth aniversary Steve propose me in a yart with a dimond ring.

Steve was the youngest millionaire crypto currency trader and I got a job in media industry. We both are success in our career.

We get married after 5 months. It was a small weding. Only our family members and friends.

We bought a house in front of a lake.

After 3 years.

I gave birth a baby boy and we name him James Grant Rogers. When he get into our life our little family was completed now.

All thanks goes to none other than Elizabeth Margaret Carter (Peggy).


Send me your suggestion i will try to make it up.👍🥰

Romangers oneshots, by J. PaulWhere stories live. Discover now