"Kakashi-Sensei has a kid?!"

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Gaara had come to check on you and realized you had left your room. He was furious. 'Why would she leave if she needs to rest?' He questioned and looked around your room. He noticed your weapons were gone. He went to the back side of the building where he found you training. He sighed but continued to watch you from a distance. You were hitting a tree over and over again with your fists, But also not putting a lot of weight on your injured leg.

You figured with your injury, your stay with Gaara would be a month longer than expected. Gaara realized you were hitting the tree with pure anger. He could sense the Shikaku trying to escape. But you were holding him in, Not letting him out. He stood around just incase. A few hours passed and the Shikaku did eventually take control but it was solved with only  few scratches.

"Sorry I let it out Gaara," You sighed as you had tried your best to not let him out. "It's alright, But be careful training with your leg like that." He breathed out while you healed a scratch on his face. You finished and backed up. "So, How much longer will I be here..?' ' You questioned as you didn't know how long you'd been gone. "Well, With that Incident I say at least two more months than expected." Gaara sighed out as you also needed time to heal. He did eventually make you rest, Against your will though.

About three months had pasted sense this first Incident. You had been training hard with Gaara and Temari, And Kankuro would join from time to time. You had healed faster than expected and you got the Shikaku under decent control in less time than they suspected. You had stayed up late some nights and would accidently fall asleep outside, Eventually waking from the cold heading to your room and only sleeping for a few hours. Gaara pushed you hard, Making sure you got everything perfected.

After another month you had learned everything you needed to, But you thought you wouldn't be home in time for your birthday. As you still had another month left. But that would soon change.

You and Shika had been sending letters back and forth about how your training was going and how things were for him. You had found out through him that Asuma had passed away and you balled your eyes out that night. You were told they got revenge and that Asuma was also going to be a father. Shika was excited to be a mentor to thus child but also wanted you there for the birth of it. You were excited to be another mentor for the child, But you didn't know if you would be there for it's birth. You were pretty sad about it and took three days off of training, Which you made up pretty quickly.

Gaara had helped you through that. It was about two weeks ago and you were out training with him now. You and him had each other at the throats and he called the match. "Y/N?" He asked. You turned toward him wiping your sweat off. "What's up Gaara?" You looked confused, He never said your name like that. "I have some news..," He started. This got your attention immediately. "Well spill," You sighed out. "Some Leaf Ninja are on their way to get you as we speak. They are taking you back home." He smiled toward you. You were shocked. You had been gone a month longer than they thought you would be. "Really! I gotta get back and pack," You said excited, You felt your heat pounding in your ears. You would miss Gaara and Temari, And Kankuro even if you weren't as close to him. "No need, The maids packed for you and have you stuff at the gates." He stated. You went up to him and hugged him but quickly pulled away bowing toward him. "Thank you so much for teaching me how to control the Shikaku. And for helping me with my justu." You stated, He said 'Your welcome,' or something along the lines of it as you ran for your mask, And put it on heading toward the gate.

You got to the gate and found some ninja with your belongings. You took it from them and got it ready to travel. As you had accumulated some more things than you brought. So you shrunk it and put it into your pockets, And as you finished you heard some voices. "Do you think I'll see Gaara? Do you think I can train with him?" A excited voice spoke up, It sounded familiar. Then you heard a loud bang. "Naruto you idiot! Gaara doesn't have time to train with you! He's the Kazekage! Plus as soon as we get this ninja we are headed back to the village!" A girl with pink hair spoke as they got closer.

Then it clicked in your head, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sai, And Yamato had come for you. Of course. Just your lucky day. You sighed but straightened your mask as they got in front of you. You bowed toward them. "I'm Y/N, I thank you deeply for traveling this way to take me back to the village." Naruto and Sakura were shocked that an Anbu member bowed toward them but Sai and Yamato bowed toward you and said their greetings and what not. You stood up and thanked the Sand Ninja and began to travel with the squad. You felt Naruto, Sai, And Sakura staring at you as you walked next to Yamato and talked to him like you knew him for years, Because you had. They questioned each other about you before Naruto spoke up. "Hey, Y/N was it? I'm Naruto Uzumaki! And I got a few questions I wanna ask you!" He said tapping your shoulder. You sighed and looked back at him through your mask. "Can they wait until we get back to the village? I'm Very tired as I had just trained with Gaara before you all came and got me." He looked at you shocked and before he could say somethin you disappeared and reappeared behind him grabbing his throat. Not only scaring him but Sai and Sakura too. They got into battle positions and Yamato watched. They looked at him for help which he just gave a ' Figure it out yourself' look. They went to grab you and Naruto put you went behind them with Naruto still in hand before they could move. You body slammed Naruto into the ground and went up into the air making a Chidori. You weren't going to use it on them, But you wanted to see how they reacted to it, As Sasuke also knew how to use it. You were trying to give them a hint that you knew Kakashi as well but only as a mentor.

Fear struck in their eyes as you went for Naruto but disappearing as a little bit of the Nine tails came through. You appeared next to Yamato and stopped the Chidori and faced them. "Will you leave me alone now?" You knew you were extra but you didn't want to bother with it. You turned toward Yamato who looked at you and you both started walking again. The others joined but kept their distance as they didn't trust you very well. You began to get hot but you didn't want to remove your mask in front of the other three, So you asked Yamato to make a shield to hide your face, But aloud you to breath. He did so and the three in the back saw your mask go up. They were interested but Naruto was the one who wanted to see your face the most. He failed in the end as you were able to keep him out with just a shadow clone, While he used three of his own. You finally put your mask back on and Yamato removed the shield.

After traveling the whole day, You all decided to rest. You started a fire and set up a sleeping area. At this point everyone but Yamato thought you were a Uchiha. But they would figure that you weren't as soon as you got home to the village.

You all woke up and got on the move again. You finally reached the gates of Konaha and you couldn't be happier. The first person you seen was Kakashi walking toward the gate. He realized Yamato had returned which meant you too. You both ran toward each other and hugged each other tightly. Sakura, Sai, and Naruto were all very confused now. "Wait a minute, Why are you hugging Kakashi-Sensei like that?" Naruto blurted out. You sighed and let go of your dad. You faced them and said these words. "I'm Y/N Hatake. Daughter of the Copy Ninja. Also known as the Little Copy." You spoke. This shocked the three of them. Yamato and Kakashi watched the whole time. "Kakashi-Sensei has a kid?!" Sakura and Naruto yelled at the same time. Yamato and Kakashi started laughing and that's when Sai finally figured out that he knew he had seen your moves some where. It was because you trained with him once in the Anbu.

After explaining that you were in fact his daughter, You and Kakashi said your goodbyes to the group heading home, Or so you thought. "Don't forget you gotta go see Lady Tsunade." Your dad reminded you. You groaned in response as you both went and entered her room even if you were on the other side of the village. This was going to be a long afternoon, That wouldn't end until about 11 pm.


Hello Everyone!

I'm going to try and speed things up a bit, As I didn't like the slow pace.

But I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for reading my fanfic!

And I'm going to try and upload Every Friday! Or do my best at it!

Until next time!

Love you all!


Word Count w/o Author's note:1639 W/ author's note:1705

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