"Alright, Do you remember what was on the letter?"

19 0 0

You had just gotten home from hanging out with Shikamaru and Naruto, You were still a bit red after seeing Naruto's smile. You had just started to unpack as you had just moved back in with your dad. Then in a matter of minutes you heard knocking on the front door.

You were wondering who was knocking on your door so late, So you went up to the door cautious. You looked through the peep hole and seen A Cloaked Figure. You decided it would be better if you didn't open the door so you stayed quiet and you were able to get away from the door quietly. The person on the other side didn't even seem to notice as you went back into your room. Just as you shut your door you heard the door bust down. So you went and hid under your bed. Not to your knowledge Naruto was at the bottom of the apartments and heard the door bust down. He ran up there but he was very quiet as he didn't hear any noise.

You were waiting for the person to enter your room. And five seconds later you heard your door open gently? That was weird. You got out a kunai and readied yourself for them to come to you. You made your way to your window and they saw you. You jumped out with them on your tail. Naruto seen not only you in your pj's but someone in a cloak follow after you. He went after you too. He then realized where you were taking them. The training grounds. (Where he learned the Resangan Shuriken,) He then went another way so he could watch over to see what would happen. Unknown to you your dad came home to see the door was busted down and ran to your room to see your room in a mess with your window open. He jumped out the window and headed to the Hokages office. You finally stopped running and faced the figure. They had a Anbu mask on? But why did they bust down your door? Or just come in? You looked at them confused, The spoke up. "If your a Anbu member why did you bust my door down? Why didn't you just come in and talk to me?" You asked through your own mask as you grabbed it before you ran. The figure froze a bit, but spoke back. "I don't have to tell you anything. All you need to know is I need to bring you some where." You looked back confused. "Are you one of Danzo's Anbu?" The person froze, But came after you before you realized. You were hand signing a Chidori, But a fist had hit you backwards, You were ready to hit a tree or the ground but instead someone caught you? You looked up to see Naruto, He looked pissed. "Naruto? When did you get here?" You asked as you didn't notice he followed you. "I heard your door bust down and came to see what happened then seen you getting chased, So I followed you." He said, Not even caring if it was weird. You nodded and got out of his arms and signed a Chidori successful this time, Running at the figure, With Naruto behind you.

You hit the man with the Chidori and he fell to the ground. You pulled your arm out of him, and grabbed his cloak. "Now tell me who the hell you are." You snarled a bit. The man wasn't hurt enough to kill him, but enough to make him not fight back. "I was sent by Lord Danzo to get you and take you to the Hidden Cloud Village to speak with your mother," He sighed out. You were in shock so you dropped him. And backed up into Naruto not really caring. You turned around and hugged him, You did it only because he was the only other person there. You heard foot steps as you silently cried into Naruto. You turned around and wiped your tears to see your dad and the Hokage. You looked at your dad and began crying even harder. You turned back into Naruto and wouldn't let go. The other three talked and they took you and the masked man back to the Hokages office. You wouldn't let go of Naruto so he was there whenever you were talking to your dad and the Hokage. Shikamaru was also called in so he could help with the issue and also comfort you.

"So this all began with a letter from your mother whenever you were in the Sand Village?" Tsunade asked. All you could do was nod your head. "Alright, Do you remember what was all on the letter?" She asked again. "Yeah, Sort of," You said sniffling a bit. "Do you mind telling us?" She continued. "I suppose I don't have any other choice?" You said looking at her. She sighed and nodded. So you began to think back to the letter. "It was some thing like, Dear Y/N, I doubt you know who I am as I left whenever you were only a year old. I am a Hidden Cloud Ninja and I am also your mother. It may surprise you that I'm contacting you but I figured I would as you are a ninja yourself and are discovering that you have some abilities your father doesn't. You got those from me. And I figured with your father raising you, You're exactly like him. Which means you became an Anbu member. But word gets around and you've got a reputation going around. It says there is a little copy ninja who is more deadly than their father, As they are half of a Jinchūriki. So, You went and got in trouble? Just like your father. That's besides the point. I want to know where you are because I need to talk to you one on one. But it is only going to be me and you. That's it. Whenever you write me back we will set up a time and place to meet. She then signed it and that was it." You sighed grabbing onto Naruto again. He and Shikamaru were there and they were both holding onto you in some way. You were holding Shikamaru's hand while Naruto was holding your other one while you leaned on him. Kakashi was a bit mad about it and would lecture you all later. "Hm, Have you gotten anything else?" Tsunade asked.

"Well I got this," You said pulling a picture out and handing it to her and Kakashi. They looked at it shocked. It was a picture of you as a baby with your mother and father holding you, Right before she left. "Do you mind if I keep this for a bit?" Tsunade asked. "I don't mind, But it's not much use because her face is marked out," You sighed out. She nodded an dismissed you all. You got out of her office and let go of Naruto and Shikamaru while your dad waited for you. "Thank you both for being here and helping me. And sorry for dragging you into this Naruto," You sighed out as you wiped your face again. Naruto spoke up "It's no problem, I'll be here for you if you need it." He smiled a bit and you felt your face heat up a bit. But you played it off the best you could. You hugged them both bye and headed home with your dad. "Why didn't you tell me about the letter sooner?" He asked as you walked home with the sun slowing coming up. "I kinda forgot about it honestly, It's somewhere in my stuff, Oh crap! I didn't get to unpack," You sighed out, Realizing you'd have to do it some other time. "Don't worry we have the next days off so we can do it then." Kakashi said, Calming you down. "Right, Thanks dad." You said. "For what?" He asked. "For being there for me, Even in the roughest times," You smiled at him as you made your way to the apartment.

He fixed the door, and you fell asleep on the couch. He pulled a blanket onto you and went to bed himself.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I haven't uploaded in awhile because 1. I haven't watched much of the anime, and 2. haven't had motivation to write.

But I hope to fix that as I am on summer break :D

But imma probably watch some tonight, maybe stay up all night idk

But lmk if this chapter was good or not!

Love ya!


Word count w/o author's note: 1382, W/ author's note: 1457

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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