Oneshot's 32

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A: N Yeah... this happened. I have written a fic that involves Levi being jealous of a cat. Jealous. Of a cat. This has happened. It's now a thing that exists... please forgive me.


Levi traversed the halls, just like every other day, and, just like every other day, he inspected every surface he laid his eyes on for dirt, dust and debris. He frowned as he saw more than he was comfortable with and made a mental note to schedule some cleaning in later. He made his way past the door that would lead to the courtyard outside and paused as he heard some sort of commotion. Opening the door, he peered across the space, seeing that a large number of cadets were huddled around something and talking eagerly. Great, a fight, Levi thought to himself as he squared his shoulders and stalked over to the group, ready to put an end to anything going on by kicking a few asses himself. As he approached the back line of the group (which was blocking his view of whatever action was happening; damn all these tall cadets to the pits of hell) some of the excited jabber became clearer to his ears, and he was pretty sure he heard the word 'cute' being bandied about. Curious.

He kicked the nearest cadet in the back of the knee to get his attention.

"Ow! What the hell do you -" the cadet began angrily, whirling around before becoming mute, his eyes widening in horror. Levi simply quirked an eyebrow.

"What's going on here?" He asked, giving the cadet his best glare.

"Ah, er, well... you see.. it's like," the cadet sputtered and Levi lost all patience.

"Just move, you stupid ass," Levi said, making shooing gestures. Said cadet did and those in front, who had locked on to the dulcet tones of Captain Levi, shuffled aside to make a path.

Levi moved forward and was confronted with the source... which appeared to be another cadet, Armin Arlert he thought, hunched down on the floor.

"Arlert, what the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" Levi questioned as he folded his arms and regarded the back of the blond head.

Armin's face swivelled round to look at Levi, who was slightly taken aback by the wide smile he saw there, "Look, Sir," he said, bouncing to his feet and taking a small step to the side, "it's a cat!"

Levi looked down and saw a small black cat looking completely uninterested in the attention it was receiving.

"All this fuss is over a cat?" Levi was incredulous, "Just put the fucking thing outside the gates and be done with it."

"We did," another voice piped up, Mikasa, "he kept getting back in somehow."

"We should keep him," Armin said, eyes bright, "He can be the Survey Corps pet!"

Levi must have been pulling some kind of 'are you shitting me?' face as Armin followed this up with a weaker, "or a mascot..."

Levi rubbed his palms over his face, exhausted by the sheer level of stupid he was facing.

"We are not keeping the damn cat," Levi explained slowly, as clearly these cadets were mentally sub par, "Cats are filthy, plus who would look after it?"

"We all would!" Armin said, clearly desperate.

"No," Levi gritted out, "it would end up being me. And I am not your fucking mother, looking after your pet, and since I don't care for the thing," he said, pointing at the cat, who regarded him with cool indifference, "I am taking it outside."

He bent and scooped up the small animal, which only meowed but raised no further protest. He stalked over to the main gates of headquarters and indicated the doors should be opened to the guards.

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