Chapter 16

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Beth's POV:

*Cheesy bit*

I am woken up to Joe heavily breathing and turning over in his sleep. I shake him quickly and he gains consciousness (a/n I don't know if that was the right word to use). "You ok?" I ask in a curious tone. "Mhm" he mumbles "I had a bad dream" he trails off. "About what babe?" I ask once again. "I lost you, forever" the corners of my mouth lift into a small smile. "We both know that wouldn't happen" I kiss his nose and rest my head back onto his chest, our bodies fitting like a puzzle.

*Cheesy bit over*

I find myself slumped on the sofa in the living room while everyone else contemplates whether to go the pier and the beach or go out for lunch. I don't contribute to the discussion since I won't wind where we go but they decide to go to the pier, beach and for lunch, so I can already tell it's going to be a long day. I throw on a 'pizza is my bae' shirt which I think Caspar would approve of and shorts along with some black vans.
My feet run across the pebbles on the shore of the beach and as the waves wash over my feet I squeeze Joe's in the process. The sea is freezing and all Joe can do is chuckle at my reaction. We all wave frantically as Zoë, Alfie and Caspar run towards us. Caspar stayed at Zoë and Alfie's last night after he'd met up with One of his old friends. Mason and Lorna don't recognise them so it makes it a whole lot more awkward but Zoë soon introduced herself.
We all head up to the pier and Mason stays behind because he supposedly lost his wallet. Lorna really doesn't care but Hannah being Hannah stays behind and looks with him. So me, Joe and the rest if the gang run to the rides like five year olds.

Hannah's POV:
Mason strolls over the pebbles while I am practically on my hands and knees digging a hole. "Found it" I protest. The wallet is leather and it is open on the pebbles of the beach. He has a lot of cash in his wallet and many bank cards along with it. And the photo compartment is my worst nightmare...

Beth's POV:
We go on the spinning tea cups until we all swear blind that we will legit be sick if we don't stop. Laughter escapes my mouth almost every five seconds but I have to admit Lorna makes me so uncomfortable. She keeps giving me death glares and I just wish Mason was here to occupy her. Where is Mason?

Hannah's POV:
Tears brimmed in my eyes as I stared at the picture of my family gang with Mason and Lorna looking as happy as ever. "Hannah, you know what the gang is like. After you left they forced me to join and if I didn't they said they would kill our parents. Please don't tell Beth or Joe, you're the only person I can trust with this. You're like my own sister, I have no one else to turn to"I tremble as he storms away and I burst into tears. I am going to have to suffer Mason alone no matter how much I want to tell everyone else.

Beth's POV:
I split up from the rest as time gets on and Hannah or Mason haven't come back. I quicken my pace as I reach the end of the pier. Mason comes running past me and up
To the others with his wallet in hand. Hannah is in sight and I find myself running towards her scrunched up body. When I reach her she has mascara running down her cheeks. Her eyes are red and it's obvious that she's been crying. "What's the matter?" I ask pulling her into me. Her hand reaches up to her cheek as she wipes away the excess tears. The wind is quite strong and our hair is blowing everywhere making strands of hair stick to her damp face. "I just stepped on some glass but I'll be fine". I remove my arm from her shoulder as we get up. Hannah grabs her shoes and we start walking back to the others.
We meet them by the arcade and it almost sickens me to see Lorna sucking the face off
my brother. He even looks uncomfortable around her so this girl must be some sort of expert. I kind of feel sorry for Hannah since she and Mason used to date but it can't be
that bad because she has Oli and it is obvious that she is way more in love that she ever was with Mason. I make a sick face in Joe's direction as I walk over to him. It was our turn now. When we pull apart I catch Lorna in the corner of my eye staring at us again. "Don't worry your the Mila to my Kunis, God that sounds really weird and wrong" everyone bursts into laughter at Joe remark but Lorna remains giving me a cold stare.
We all go on the dodgems in the arcade and Joe keeps aiming for me. Although I can't help but notice Mason exchanging looks with Hannah. Is there something I don't know about?
I try to ingnore the situation but it isn't possible. Are they dating behind Lorna and Oli's back. I pull Hannah aside from the group. "What are you two hiding?" I ask sternly. "What do you mean?" She asks. "You and Mason giving each other looks" I am on the verge of losing it, I couldn't believe Hannah would have the heart to do this to Oli and it would shatter his heart. "He was just checking if my foot was ok, you know how close we are" a wave of relief washes over me "well make sure it stays that way then" I playfully punch her arm before walking back to the group.
Hellooooo, just a quick update. Sorry it took so long in the middle I got really distracted although the good news is that I've planned so much more in the process of writing this so there is definitely loads of drama.

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