Lily's letter

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"why is it when something happens, it is always you 3?"

"belive me professor i've been asking that question for 6 years"

The trio leaves, and Minerva sighs. opening her drawer, she takes out a worn out envelop. from it the takes a letter written with neat, crisp handwriting. 

Dear Minnie, 

how are you? we're all well here. James is driving me mad as usual, and the boys are doing great! Remember on the last day of our seventh year, i told you that you will never have any student as troublesome as the marauders? I stand corrected. He may be only 9 months, but i guarantee that harry will be your next troublemaker. he has that all to familiar glint in his eyes, just like James! why just today, he purposefully poked the cat and pretended that it was Sirius! Remus, peter, James and i got a good laugh out of it, of course. I can't tell you how excited i am to send harry to Hogwarts! There is no one i would rather have to be his transfiguration teacher other than you! We all miss you very much, and hope to see you soon, for harry's next birthday. 

Lots of Love,
Lily xx

P.S. Sirius says his marriage proposal still stands. 

Minerva took out a picture from the envelope and looked at it. There was a picture of a cat jumping on Sirius, harry was Remus's lap laughing, James was next to Sirius laughing his head off, Peter was in the corner smiling, and Lily's slender finger covered part of the camera lens as the picture was taken. 

Minerva wiped away a tear and whispered,

"Correct as usual, Lily"

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