Chapter 16 Danger

112 13 31

Trigger Warning

Violence and assault with weapon

Liam Price

It was too late to take cover, as it was a long way to return to Le Diamant. They were in the open, and Charlotte was fully exposed and completely vulnerable.

The attack was time-sensitive, designed with the intention of causing damage one way or another; if not to eliminate, then to harm. The execution itself was a suicide mission. Not only for assaulting Noah's wife, but the armed bodyguard who was trained to shot first-ask questions later. Even if the attacker managed to get away from Davis, nothing on this earth would ever save him from Noah. Yet, Davis wouldn't have a clear shot before the disaster has already occurred.

The steely direct eye-contact had the man flinch visibly that he was made out. His hesitation almost made him stop in his tracks a few feet away before charging straight at them. Those brief seconds of hesitation made all the difference to getting Charlotte better cover.

Liam knew he had to act fast, and from then on, everything went down in a blink.

Making use of what he had in hand, in the split second their attacker pulled back his knife-holding arm, Liam brought down the umbrella between them blocking his vision; rain soaking him within seconds. Liam used those precious seconds to place himself between the attacker and Charlotte. His priority was to have a barrier between her and the assailant. Keeping the attacker falsely focused on carrying on with his attempt, Liam instantaneously got her door shut just as the assailant crashed into the umbrella slamming into Liam and stumbling a couple of steps back. Charlotte was unaware of what was happening and Liam planned to keep it that way.

The heavy rain masked the man's steps and the deafening thunder muffled his growl as he regained his balance. Liam twisted sharply just in time as the blade pierced the umbrella panel, luckily, he dodged getting stabbed in the chest, but it didn't prevent him from getting slashed across the arm.

Liam kept his lips sealed; nothing above a grunt escaped him. In a flash, Liam shoved against the torn and broken umbrella while simultaneously kicked the attacker's feet from underneath him having him hit the pavement hard with a growl.

"Hey!" Davis vociferated loudly and sprinted.

Before the assailant could make a move Liam lunged at him. In a single motion, Liam ruthlessly twisted the man's wrist; the unmistakable crack was accompanied with an agonized yelp. He then slammed his arm to ground tearing another cry out of the attacker and forcing him to release the knife.

The assailant swung a fist aiming for Liam's jaw, but his attempt was blocked. Instead, it was returned with a strike as Liam crashed his fist to his nose underneath the mask resulting in a horrible crunching sound, then followed it with another blow.

The man yowled in agony covering his broken nose. He tried to escape by flipping on him stomach to shove Liam off. His arm slapped the pavement and tried to pull himself away.

Liam locked his fingers on the assailant's hoddie and peeling it off his head before he unmasked him exposing him. The man tried to set himself free by jabbing his elbow to Liam's arm but his attempt was hindered when Davis sank his fingers deep in the man's jacket and roughly pulled him to his feet. Davis's grip tightened when the attacker tried to yank and bunch his way out to release himself, but instead, Davis slammed his head to the limousine and rendered him slack and disoriented. The only thing that kept the assailant on his feet was Davis.

"My apologies, Mr. Price, someone had the limo blocked." Davis apologized then asked noticing the tear on his suit jacket. "Are alright Sir?"

Liam stood tall, raked his hair back from his face and pulled down at his jacket. His eyes trained on the attacker, "I'm fi..."

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