Chapter 1

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On the mushroom planet, some time after Robotnik was originally sent there, a whole advanced system was going off and it eventually led to a juice or something along those lines into a mushroom turned into a bowl.

"Doctors log: It's day 243 in this....portabella purgatory, my only companion is a rock I named Stone." Robotnik said. "The question is...for whom am I narrating this?"

It seems i've become a featured player in the theater of the absurd. Marooned in deep space by that wretched blue rodent but its all good thanks to a breathable atmosphere and my supreme intellect, sharpened against the only competitor savvy enough to brring it

"Chanterelle to D4." Robotnik comments, playing Mushroom Chess

I've been trying to make fungi into a functional drink of choice

Robotnik had another batch of whatever the drink made earlier was.

"Mushroom coffee." Robotnik comments

With limited...

However, when he took a sip, he immediately spat it back out and no matter what he tried, it'd always be the same result. No matter the day he tried it on. But today, day 243 presents me with new optimism to my most pressing endeavor. Planetius Exitus to Returnicus and KICK BLUE BUTTICUS!!!

Robotnik climbed to the top of one of the mushrooms, setting up a machine's operations.

I"f my calculations are correct, and there's no reason to say if, cause they always are..." Robotnik starts, grabbing the quill of Sonic's he still had after all this time. "...this quill is gonna power my masterpiece. Now...lets light this candle and see who comes a knockin!"

When Robotnik attached both ends of the wiring, it shot a blue signal beam up into the sky but he screamed as the shockwave sent him flying and knocking him out when he hit the ground.

That night, Robotnik was out cold. On the mushroom planet, a ring portal opened. Through it stepped some sort of warrior group of some sort of breed of Faunus, one having some sort of pitchfork like device.

They walked over to the unconscious Robotnik and the one with the pitchfork lightly tapped Robotnik. However, he didn't wake up. Then, seeing the quill, the warrior slowly reached for it. However, right as it was about to get it, Robotnik woke up.

"Greetings!!!" Robotnik said as the warrior stumbled back

The warriors all drew their weapons when one was sent flying as Robotnik sat up.

"Klatuu barada nikto!" Robotnik comments

Robotnik kicked a rock which activated a mechanism that sent one of the remaining warriors flying. Then, the last warrior split it's staff in half and began swinging it around, having turned it into laser nunchucks.

"Agent" Robotnik said, triggering a device

The device basically caused the rock he named Stone flying and knocking out the last warrior.

"Thank you Stone." Robotnik said as he got up. "It's time to say goodbye to this....PIECE OF SHITAKE PLANET!!!!"

Robotnik tapped his tongue with the quill which jolted his head around before he ran for the ring portal, but he stopped in his tracks and fell to the ground, looking as some sort of echidna Faunus of some sorts, stepped through and looked at him before noticing the quill Robotnik had in his hand.

"WHERE did you get that??" The echidna Faunus questions

Robotnik held up the quill.

"From a little blue menace on the planet called 'Remnant'." Robotnik said, getting a look from the echidna before realizing he could use this Faunus to his advantage for revenge. "I'd be happy to show you the way!"



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